[Suggestion] MEDICS (Covid Charity)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TRspy007, Apr 27, 2020.

  1. TRspy007

    Why don't the devs sell some sort of medic bundle, that gives an auraxium plated medic tool, a re-skinned AR and maybe a boost/implant pack/camo. They could also throw in auraxium plated medkits/restoration kits and a respirator/face mask helmet, so non medics can still get something out of it.

    Alternatively, they can do multiple bundles, that would give more/less boosts/implants, and give different reskins.
    For example,

    10$: you don't get the AR, and the medic tool/medkits have black camo.

    25$: You get everything I originally mentioned, and the medic tool/medkits are gold plated.

    50$: You get everything I originally mentioned with a decal/camo, and this time the medic tool/medkits with that shiny auraxium plating.

    The point of this would be to give some of the proceeds generated by a "pandemic themed" bundle to a COVID-19 charity, if that makes sense. I saw a post earlier asking planetmans to help with charities, I think this could be a decent way of doing that. What do you guys think?
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  2. ZDarkShadowsZ

    Not a bad idea. The reskinned variants could be the faction-coloured medic + symbol plastered all over everything. Maybe even throw in a unique meditool healing beam too. They were originally going to have different coloured beams after all.

    My only concern is whether or not the bundle will be a one-time thing or if like all the other bundles, it'll resurface from time to time.. and if so, who will cash in on it? The company or the charity? Naturally it should be the charity, but a business is a business after all.
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  3. TRspy007

    This would just be a limited edition bundle, because hopefully, أن شاء لله, the COVID-19 pandemic is temporary.

    The company would still make money, but a good portion of the money made would go to charity.

    This would do 2 things:

    1) It's a way for the company to profit a bit while helping the greater community

    2) Because it's helping a greater community, it could actually serve to promote the game.

    I've read about a few companies doing this, obviously I doubt Planetside 2 is going to generate 250 million $, but it could do a bit to help, and it's a win-win anyways, because the game would still be making money, helping fight the pandemic and advertising itself in the process.

    I think by simply adding cool little details to existing things like the different color medic beam you suggested (maybe give it a faction specific glow), it wouldn't be too hard for the devs to create a bundle, while still interesting a few people who want/are able to help and get a few unique items in the process.