Medic with a Shotgun

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Ardorick, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. Acierocolotl

    "Medic with a Shotgun"? Sounds like some kinda grindhouse movie.

    "Looks like" chk-chk "it's time for surgery."
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  2. HerpTheDerp

    Well you're kinda late with that reference, but...

    Living in the Biolab is tough.

    And it's about to get tougher.
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  3. Ardorick

    I did, i still disagree with you.
  4. JonConnor

    Sometimes I do it. Usuaully it is when I'm playing a "pure medic" with a squad and I know I'm not going to engage the enemy or even get out from behind cover unless it is an "oh $hit" situation.

    More often I use a CQB AR or long range AR depending on the location.
  5. Zoner

    Defending a biolab? Max on cooldown? Then its time for

  6. DickJohnsonn

    Sweeper....Reflex.....extended mag
  7. M4L4CH1TE

    I run semi-auto shotgun exclusively for both medic and engy. With the extended mag and slugs I can take out anything but a Max. I run a 4X scope most of the time and a 2X reflex scope in the biolab. I often snipe with the 4X scope and it is almost making my infiltrator superflous. I'm thinking of adding the laser-pointer to the front but not sure if that would swap out the extended magazine which is completely essential. As long as you remember to reload between encounter and run over dropped ammo packs you are usually golden.
    Yep. Love the shotty.
  8. Jack_Frost

    Piston + Extended mag = a room full of dead TR/VS. Loving the shotgun! Very situnational though, but extremely powerful in confined spaces.
  9. kennonfodder

    can anybody tell me if

    a) I buy the shotgun for my medic now, can I use the gun for all classes then?

    b) which shotgun is the best or most used (NC wise)?

    c) after upgrading it with slug ammo, how far can I hit/kill targets with it, 20meters? 50 meters? etc.

    Many thanks in advance for any help
  10. Jack_Frost

    Don't take slug ammo IMHO. You can use the same shotgun with at least engineer and light assault as well. Don't know about the "best" shotgun but Piston seems very powerful.
  11. Bankrotas

    A) Yes, weapon unlocks for infantry unlock for all available classes. Getting a shotgun on one, you'll unlock it on Engie, LA, HA and Medic.
    B) Most used, probably piston or sweeper, they all are actually sidegrades. Piston sacrifices accuracy a bit for 50 more rpm, sweeper is middle ground accuracy with extra 2 shells (1-2 extra kills), mauler has best accuracy and best reload speed and same ammo capabilities of a piston.

    Can't tell anything about C, the dps decrease is too terrible for me on piston and I can't kill anyone with it slugged, honestly, I believe slugs would be best on Mauler and decent on sweeper, but piston is just too heavy cqc weapon, to get any advantage from it back.

    P.s. I'm only a bit over average player with most time spent on foot, so my word doesn't go far.
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  12. MrK

    Because of Planetside 1 legacy, every NC should be using the allmighty SWEEPER.
    Anything else is blasphemy
  13. Yosiu

    I use a sweeper becouse i really like 12 bullets in clip.
    For me slug ammo if pointless especially if you have other CQC guns (like GR-22 assault rifle for medic)
    I can't hit anything in close quaters with slug ammo, and i don't use shotguns for longer range.
    In fact i use my shotty exclusively with LA to do some suprise attacks.
    I could use Sweeper but i stick to GR-22 even in biolabs.
  14. kennonfodder

    Thank you so much guys :)

    Asked that because I have 800 SC left, what to do with it is the question, a shotgun would be a nice addition. Got all the standard stuff for Medic and HA (GR 22, NC6 etc...) so time for a new gaming experience

    Very cool!!

    Ok so better extended mag for the future gun
  15. Bankrotas

    Mag and slugs, and scope are different attachments, so you can have them all, but slugs are really a niche sidegrade.
  16. M4L4CH1TE

    I use slugs exclusively. The damage drop off is very little at longer ranges. I use the extended mag, slugs, and either reflex or X4 scope depending on whether I'm in doors our out. But I still use slugs indoors.
  17. MrGurrenLemfox

    Piston is a blast to use, killing HA with shield on like crazy and can still live through 3 people capping on point, just need a trigger discipline not to waste a single mags to 1 guy and you are good......i get headshot with shotgun more than AR, still need to learn how to use reaper DMR effectively cause buying that thing with cert have to worth the payment....
  18. wingspan

    I think shotguns demand a more aggressive playstyle. You'll need to sprint up to your enemies and know how to exploit aiming limitations if you're getting shot at while closing the gap.

    As NC, I prefer the full-auto Piston. For VS, the Pandora. You have the highest RoF, and can still tap semi-auto if you need to save ammo.

    Slugs are a liability in CQC due to the reduced fire rate (half?) and hipfire inaccuracy, but with a 3.4 LACO (for NC), it's an underrated 2-3 shot midrange killer. Slugs arguably work better on Engineers for unlimited ammo, and LA for positional advantage.
  19. Dethfield

    Not to be a disgusting thread necromancer, but have any fellow shotgun medics been using the pump shotty lately? I find i can defend myself much more effectively with it and keep myself alive longer to revive my fallen comrades!
  20. LibertyRevolution

    My medic is using the piston with extended mags and 1x reflex.
    1 shot with it will usually finish off the enemy that just killed the guy i'm about to rez.

    I would think 1 shot from the pump would be a guaranteed kill of a wounded enemy.