Medic revives.. decline. here's why..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by sebo, Dec 20, 2012.

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  1. Zaik

    Default medic weapons are the best default weapons in the game, this is simply an unfortunate side effect.

    Tbh I don't usually do revives when I'm playing my medic just because of this, though I do try to heal people when I have revived them(often they just run off even after healing them a little bit and calling out to them in proximity chat).
  2. BobJohnson

    It is worth it. You can revive from further away, faster and have people rez with max health. Not everyone starts with a maxed tool though.

    A lot of times when I rez someone they do not immediately accept which gives me the option of sitting there waiting for the dude to accept (or decline) and then heal him up or just move on and rez someone else. If there are 6 dead people laying around in close proximity to me I'm not going to sit there and wait 10 seconds for a dude to accept his rez. I'll heal him up after I get other people up, after all a lot of people can heal themselves.

    I've only got a level 4 medic tool, so they don't revive at full health, but they don't revive with any shields, so most people should be looking for cover to allow their shields to regen which should be enough time to get healed up by one of the many medics. Unless of course you accept the rez and are under immediate attack then rezing at low health and not having a medic instantly healing you could be a detriment.
  3. iNate

    Personally I enjoy playing Medic the most - I enjoy knowing a good medic can bring in a clutch victory. I try to keep everyone alive as best as I can.

    I always try to heal & revive other Medics whenever possible.

    Giving a 100% HP revive removes the possibility of healing for further XP, which is not a problem to me but I would welcome a balance for XP between a Level 1 Medic Tool revive + full heal and a Level 6 Medic Tool revive.

    Edit: Before I had a maxed Medic Tool, I would typically rely on my AOE Heal when reviving multiple players in close proximity and top em off with Medic Tool after all revives.
    • Up x 1
  4. Gaseous Snake

    The chances of a medic getting revive exp are 50/50 these days. I got a level 4 kit and working towards my level 5 but I'm starting to doubt if it's even worth it since the exp is granted when the game feels like it. These are not friendly kills that I'm trying to revive here but enemy downed friendlies.

    When there's multiple dead groups in close proximity, I revive them all while my aoe heal skill is on. Medics can keep an infantry zerg attack going as they go along which is something I'm doing now with my level 4 kit.
  5. Rown

    After being revived, then immediately downed too many times I've learned to never accept revives.
  6. Grotpar

    This really was a huge problem when I didn't have the max rank, especially obvious when I play my.. "off-faction" characters where I only have like 2 or 3 ranks of my medic tool.

    I guess you never ran fast enough.
    I often see people just standing there trying to get their bearings and getting shot because they weren't moving.

    People who immediately start running towards me, usually live because I'll continue healing them until they're safe.
  7. henpara

    The Problem lies in the cert-system. Because with certs you get your medic fom "totally useless" to "totally uber-healing pro".

    If you have 2 fully certet medics. its better than having 200 non-certed medics.

    its the class where the certs have such an enormous effect, more than in every other class. its like comparing flying aircraft without or with rockedpods. there you gain nearly the same big difference in effectiveness.
  8. Adeodatus

    Reduce the revive xp? Seriously? Come on i understand the over medic thing (Seen this on NC mostly, seems like the other empires on jaeger tend to lack medics sometimes) This isnt just a game for shooter players. There are plenty of players like myself that love the support classes.
  9. Biytor

    Here's another issue. Some noobcakes with a level 1 medi gun can override my level 6 medi gun if I don't keep the stream on them the whole time.

    A level 6 medi gun should never be able to be overridden by a level 1. Need to fix this issue and you'll see the sometimes medics hit the road for greener pastures.
  10. Rown

    Running where? You can't see where you're being revived (granted, it's the place you where killed, but in any case you don't know the facing you'll have or the situation around) so if you start running you'll as likely to run towards the medic as towards the enemy. This would be less of a problem if medics revived when the sitution is relatively safe, instead of worrying only about the cets. It's actually more convenient for them if the guy they revived is killed again immediately.

    Plus there seems to be a split second where the toon is already there and can be shooted, but still can't be controlled by the player.
  11. TJTwisty

    I think a plausible solution to this mess is to remove revive from all but the maxed lvl applicator. This will effectively stop the farmers. Also make the xp incremental, the higher you lvl your tool the more xp you get from using it. These ideas will separate the farmers from the dedicated medics.
    For example, a maxed tool medic revives a downed soldier and gets 50 xp, another soldier is wounded 90% (almost dead) and the non-max tool medic heals him up, and because his tool is only lvl 1, he receives 10 xp for healing the soldier up to full. Of course the are just numbers I pulled out of the air and cannot be taken seriously, just for example.
    Just trying to make it so that everyone gets something for doing their job, but those who dedicated time, energy, certs, sc or w/e to be the best class they can be, should be rewarded in an equitable way. Just stop the medic xp farmers because it is making the real medics look bad!
  12. Deladin

    I think the players defending the current way medics work are the dirt bags that play medic just to farm the certs.

    The VAST majority of medics on the battlefield don't care if you live or die, or even if your team takes or defends the base. Most medics will not even rush to rez you. Instead they will sit behind a rock, just spamming their rezzes on anyone around, regardless of if the area is safe. A whole herd of tanks could come down the hill, and instead of seeing the 40 medics pulling a HA to help defend, they will just run around, watching their team get mowed over by the tanks, just to rez them again, just to watch the same exact take kill them a second time.

    ALL they care about it the certs. So they will try and revive you, even if your exposed to 30 HAs shooting at your dead corpse. Hell they PREFER that, cause then they can just rez you again, and again, and again. They will keep rezzing you until you finally decline the rez (and I have even had a few whisper me and ***** at me for not taking their rez...because there cert farming is more important then me getting back into the battle)

    Just like the circle jerk ammo pack cert farming in warpgates, players are human being, and most humans being are utterly and completely lazy and will abuse any system that allows them the most gain with the least amount of work, REGARDLESS of how it effects other players in the game.

    I too have stopped taking medic rezzes most times, and when I do, if I die again because the are was not safe, or the medic refuses to heal me, I will refuse rezzes from that medic for the rest of the battle.

    Something needs to be done to separate the Medics, from the cert farmers. I would prefer the method above where your medtool will not even revive unless it is at max, or second to max rank.

    Sure a lot of players would stop playing medic, but since 90% of the time they revive a player only to have that player die in an instant, they were not doing much anyways, and having them playing a different class would really help the flow of battle. Instead of 40 infantry, 40 **** medics, and 5 medics actually PLAYING a medic, you would have the same 5 medics, and 80 infantry.
  13. Zinn

    Tbh, I think the main problem is that you get too much damn exp for reviving and healing, just like in BF3, where everyone and their mother played Assault (which, just like the medics here, had the best all-purpose guns). There would be significantly less medic farming if the revive exp was cut in half or less, IMO. Currently, half the team starts spawning medic once a battle grinds to a halt because they'll get way more exp reviving the fallen teammates than shooting at the enemies - A trend that shouldn't be encouraged in a First Person Shooter.
  14. Radiation

    no its not. with 200noncerted medics who cares if some of em die. the rest get thru and rez
  15. Honsou

    During double XP medics hovering around the zerg is crazy. Its not easy xp when 10 people are running to revive one guy. Its just as well the other zerg is doing the same thing otherwise you would get steamrolled.

    The medic class is the most important in my opinion. Our squad held out against a superior enemy behind enemy lines with one medic keeping us all alive long enough for 12 men to hold up a mini-zerg for 20 minutes.
  16. henpara

    Well i see you dont get my point. So what i was trying to say besides the obvious fact that in ps2 numbers ALWAYS matter. Its pretty much more superior to revive in 1 sec full xp from 10meters away, than to revive in 5 seconds with 1 hp from 1meter away getting shot while trying to heal or needing another 4 seconds to fully heal the guy i just revived....
  17. Sheherazade

    I play Medic most of the time and my healgun is almost maxed out now....

    But there is a problem with it....

    If you have the healgun lvl 1. You res someone and get the Revive XP....and then you can heal him up for even more XP.
    If you have the maxed get the same revive XP but dont get to heal him for more XP.

    That might be another reason many dont bother to level it up.
  18. maxkeiser

    I nearly always accept. Getting back up and into the immediate fight can make the difference to your team - you are one more gun.

    I only refuse if it is obvious that the position has been totally overrun and there is no point.
  19. OminousZ

    You're not entirely correct...Most of the time I revive someone, I end up chasing them to completely heal..only to die myself. No thanks. If I revive you, wait a sec. or two until you're completely revived, otherwise...good luck.
  20. Fyrdoc

    Well my philosophy is simply this.....
    TC3 if any of you are in the Military you will know what I am talking about specifically the US Army. I will not go into details, but basically it is TACTICAL Casualty care.

    1ST ~ Casualty goes down, your first duty is to eliminate the threat. That way you do not become a casualty yourself.
    2nd ~ Then you can go and revive the casualty or heal depending on the case.

    You have to break it down this way if you as the medic can SAFELY and TACTICALLY get to your casualty then do so if not, 1 death on the battlefield is better then 10. Sounds harsh but that's the way it is on the real battlefield.
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