I kinda heard that the medic is the easiest directive to max out. How far do you people agree with that?
I disagree. Where many other classes like Light assault and Infil have easily searchable goals like "Gett 1,200 kills", "Get 800 carbine/SMG kills", "get 250 hacking ribbons", and "Get 800 enemy light assault/infiltrator kills", the medic has two directive goals that are entirely unpredictable, and are difficult for the class to get. These are "Get 800 medic kills" and "Get 300 savior kills". As a medic, who's class usually hangs back in the midst of your own side's masses along the front line, while the enemy's medics do the same, you rarely ever see and fight against your own class in the enemy force. FAR less than any of the other "Find your own class and kill it" requirements. As well, Savior kills are entirely unpredictable. While even the Engineer with his very long and lengthy kill requirement can farm for his sticky grenade kills and AI/AV turret kills just by killing with it, the medic is the first class targeted. This means that if there's a max suit, an HA, and a medic, the enemy targets the medic 9 times out of 10. So this alone makes savior kills a massively difficult chore, and one you cannot just go to any fight to search for them. Even if you spend all day out in massive fights (which provide the best opportunity for these kills) often times I found myself getting only 2-3 savior kills in a week worth of seaching for them, where on on particular occasion I found myself getting +50 savior kills in less than an hour. These kills are exceptionally difficult to search for, and impossible to farm (unlike +80% of directive goals out there where you just try to get kills with a specific weapon). This in particular makes medics a painfully difficult class to get the armor for. (Though I admit that Engineers have it tough due to the sheer number of Auraxium medals you need. As the sticky grenades are limited by nanites, and the AI/AV turrets are difficult to set up in an area that will yield some good kills. And also due to their being favored by infiltrators as easy kills. But at least they don't have to fear weeks long "dry spells" in which they won't get any savior kills toward their last requirement. And enemy medic kills are even more difficult to get than the savior kills!)
The medic directive is probably third easiest class directive. HA is harder because of the large number or rocket launcher kills, AV grenade (post nerf) kills, and/or air deterrences. Engineer is harder because you're forced to Auraxium at least one turret, and situations where you can safely sit in a turret for more than 3 seconds are few and far between. The MAX directive is harder because you have to get 1160 MAX punches, which forces you to use an unnatural and ineffective playstyle, and do it in a nanite-restricted class. Medic has some easy options, but you're forced to either go hunting for medic kills (which is unnatural for a support class) or savior kills (which is completely luck-based). So it's not quite as bad as the ones listed above, but it's still a bit of a pain. The infiltrator and LA directive are easier because you can straightfowardly kill people until you get your shiny armor. There's nothing inconvenient about either of these directives, unless you hate one type of weapon which you're forced to use. As for non-class directives, Objective support is probably harder than the medic directive for most people, since certain activities like base captures and deployed AMS kills aren't easily farmable. Force recon probably depends on your play style, but I think it's easier, since a lot of it should come through natural play across all classes. For the record, I've finished the infiltrator and force recon directives. I'm about 55 sunderers away from objective support, and since it's virtually impossible to get more than 2-3 per session, it'll probably take me the rest of the year to finish it.
It's frustrating, I completed a tier but the uncompleteted directives didn't transfer to the next directive tier. OMG, are you kidding me?
Its not the worst, but its not something you can really work specifically on due to the `luck factor`. If you wanted to do the MAX one for example, and your last task was the Punching one, you would go running around meleeing everything you could see and make progress on it. The key thing here is that despite being slow going, you can focus on it. As mentioned, saviour and enemy medic kills are purely luck based and out of your hands, so that's what makes it frustrating.