Hi guys, despite some interesting replies this topic is not for general discussion, as the section there is very busy and this topic dropped on the second page within 5 minutes (thanks for hint Ovakin!) This should be the right place here, please feel free to write your thoughts, I know some guys here are **** ing pro medics ... [from last week] Hello Forumside In PS2 the medic is maybe not the least played class, but overall, there are not too many dedicated medics playing this class (meaning 80%+ of their PS2 time). So apart from the few helpful idiots that always run medic class, everybody knows there are situations when the need of medics shoots through the roof, and a lot of players switch to this class, so that their teams get a temporary advantage. This thread is for them. Hope it provides some fresh ideas how to maximize the positive effects of this role, enabling you to keep your friends alive and healthy, even if you just play medic on a few special occasions. Some Do´s and don´ts -Use AOE frequently, you can defend yourself while you heal -Never revive before you clear the area around you, especially important in smaller fights -don’t use med gun if you don’t have to (---> AOE), especially not when your ally has 75%+ of health -don’t chase noobs that are screaming for help and then run away in panic -activate AOE before you enter a 1v1 against an opponent that already spotted you, but better not at night -standing in front of a pile of corpses, revive medics or maxes first, infiltrators last (debatable) -stay or move behind the main body of your teammates, don’t run first if playing with a group -similar: if your squad uses from a jump pad, teleport, go last, not first -getting surprised while using med gun, switch to pistol rather than to primary, its way faster, or press T if the enemy is very close -use c4 frequently -don’t expect other medics to behave like you, save yourself the disappointment, do your best -equip revive grenades when you play in a team/zerg (400 certs) -healing grenades only work in a few niche situations -equip frag grenades when lone wolfing -evade Maxes <25 meters, better ambush them with C4 -evade 1v1s with Heavy Assaults, especially when they already spotted you (the odds are against you, even if it´s possible to win here) -use AOE when spawn room is camped = free certs -if you get revived, thank the person that took care of you (V 1) In general: -don’t be afraid to die if you can save several lives with your death -don’t be afraid to die, you are medic, you´ll get the rewards in paradise -don’t be afraid to die, go stat padding with vehicles or take a max if you are obsessed with your K/D ratio For how you cert your medic or what weapons you use, check the CM subforums https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?forums/combat-medic.39/ Please feel free to provide further ideas, criticism or be just forumside
Here's an interesting idea: DO run with an -S rifle with an Underbarrel Smoke Launcher and IRNV sight when supporting in a heavy fight. In addition to letting you smoke a room and then shoot the people who don't have sights, this is a great way to put a smoke cover down over an area you're going to either hit with a revive grenade or rush into for revives generally. A lone Medic reviving is an easy target for enemy fire, so don't make yourself easy to spot! Of course, if you do this... DON'T forget to tell people about it in Proximity or squad chat, because newly-revived people will be stuck in a cloud of smoke. Warn them about it and they should be able to navigate back to your side's position using the minimap. Otherwise they'll bumble about in smoke and die again.
Don'ts: Don't resurrect people, they will just run off and get killed again. Don't worry about shooting friendlies in the back, you can fix it! Don't cert C4, medics don't need to be handling dangerous things like that.
Let the friendly forces shine bright at night with the AOE heal. So the Evil force have an easier game. Let the friends that using NV scope be blind at night while running around with AOE heal. So the Evil force dont get hurt so much. Turn on AOE heal when ever possible, because you shine in greatness and the follower of evil will come to you for salvation. The day of irony ! Hope you find it.
If you are ever caught with your med tool out and an enemy is very close to you. You have two options. 1. Pull Pistol and shoot. Then quick knife. 1 Commissioner shot plus quick knife equals dead enemy usually. 2. Try for 2 quick knifes. Yesterday I was caught in a very small box room at CrossRoads Watchtower. The enemy and I both quick knifed each other, but I got the kill as he was damaged from a previous firefight. With hindsight you can say I am stating the obvious, but a CM has to preprepare for this situation.
H-V45, TAR, GR-22/Carnage BR master race. Planetside 2 facilitates many close quarters combat engagements; these weapons excel in close quarters and are very much viable at medium range.
Hell yea cert into C4, and get the second brick too! Why? Well the obvious answer is maxes and sunderers. Trust me, for some reason they never expect a medic to have C4. I've run up on a sunderer and seen it happen. One person will spot a lone medic and maybe 2 people will turn from the main combat to shoot me. I serpentine and next thing they know i'm under the sunderer then bamf, no more sundie! Also if maxes don't notice your a medic chances are in a big fight they will notice you're not a heavy and will focus on them and light assaults as "bigger threats" I got a double kill on two maxes who seemed to think a medic running up the stairs next to them wasn't worth their time ;-D
As a fellow Commissar Medic, I approve. And yes, C4 is great on a medic. Makes the class far more versatile in what kind of situations it can handle.
- Keep moving - a stationary medic is useless and (sooner or later) dead medic -While reviving your friendly, don't crouch - rather strafe left right or jump around the place - trust me, you'll survive many critical situations that way. -While approaching a dead ally on an open field, don't wait to come exactly above him - prepare your medigun and aim as you approach him - if done properly, with maxed medic tool you don't even have to stop while reviving. - As soon as you revive a friendly with your medigun, get the hell out of that place.