Medic class needs a major overhaul

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Jester7x, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. Jester7x

    As it stands right now i feel the medic class in ps2 needs a lot of work. Having played a medic in bad company 2 and battlefield 3, its apparent that the way the medics are setup in those games would translate well into ps2.

    First and foremost...


    The little green laser gun doesnt cut it. Im sorry but this is just bad design. First of all lets see the downsides of it.

    A. It leaves me wide open to lurking snipers and other enemies in the area.
    B. It makes me stay in one area when i could be reviving other teammates that have died.
    C. The actual range of the laser is way too short.

    Having a medkit that i can just drop on the ground similar to the engineer's ammo pack frees me up to cover flanks, revive and be mobile. Instead of being leashed to my team with this pathetic gun.

    How to improve medics

    1. First of all the laser gun (if its going to stay in the game) should only be used for revives.
    2. Make healing similar to borderlands 2 or swtor where i can shoot my teammate to heal them. That way i have a greater range on healing instead of the 3 foot green dog leash im on.
    3. Give us an ability similar to the infiltrators sensor gun that lets me shoot a teammate but it heals them over time.
    4. Give us medkits that heal an area and remove the aoe heal ability. This keeps our mobility high and prolongs our life on the battlefield.

    There are a lot of improvements that can be made to make being a medic in this game more enjoyable and the changes are simple. Nothing ive asked for could be considered "OP" just a little more utility.
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  2. Glowcat

    Medic doesn't need... any of that. Medics do however need that no-xp bug fixed and there needs to be an auto-accept revives function so people don't need to wait for that whole loading screen on death.

    Oh, and they need to gain revive XP in proportion to the health restored. And there needs to be better target selection with the medic gun (such as the oft suggested left-heal right-revive method). After that they're pretty much golden and anything further would be bonus options to change up the playstyle.
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  3. Ripshaft

    Someone go find that guy with the picture of bender going "oh wait you were serious? allow me to laugh even harder", QUICK!

    On a serious note, you seem to have not accepted your boundaries as a medic... the way it is mechanically is *how it is supposed to work* in this game. You have expectations of the medic that are not based in the mechanics of the game.... also if you dont know, there is a healing grenade, you might want to look into it, also the triage ability.
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  4. ArcKnight

    I agree with the range being short but thats as far it goes
  5. Kriesha

    I find medic working quite well, at least for me. The range of the heal gun is most of the time enough to allow staying in cover while healing/reviving and our AoE healing ability is pretty decent for healing large clusters (it might need a small range boost, but thats about it). Oh, there is one thing, our Heal/Revive grenades, I would prefer if they exploded on contact, but im sure many would disagree with this.
  6. IshanDeston

    No thanks. If i would want to play Bad Company 2 or Battlefield 3 i would be playing those.

    We could talk about that. Something with a really regeneration boost, effected by Triage. In addition to our Medic Gun.

    I suggest you spend some certs on it, it does very much cut it. I am even faster reviving people than my Revive Granade can.

    If you get killed while reviving, you probably shouldn't have revived there in the first place.

    Yeah, perposterous to imagine a Medic to be with an injured person healing them. That should be done remotely from the other end of the map.

    Evidence you didn't cert into it.

    Urm, no. It maybe needs a better "detection" on who to heal, but the last thing i need are even more people that rezz you with 25% health and then run off, because they can't even heal you anymore without selecting some other tool. And if you even bothered to think about for a moment, you would realize you contradict yourself.

    Right now the system goes like this:

    Medic runs up to a dead guy, selects his Medgun.
    Medic shoots the dead guy with his medgun and revives him
    Medic shoots once more at the revived guy to heal him to full (point completely goes away with max Tool)
    Medic runs off to another area.

    Your proposed change seems to be:

    Medic runs up to dead guy and selects his revivor
    Medic applies tool to dead guy and revives them
    Medic swaps tools to healing aidkit
    Medic applies healing aidkit by dropping or shooting
    Medic runs off to another area

    With a Max level Meditool i heal people faster from 75 to full than it takes me to swap around guns and equipment, or at least as fast.

    Oh.... NO. Wait... let me think about it again. No. That idea left a sour afttertaste.

    No thanks. I like having my guys being up and ready in a second. Thats why chose being a Medic in the first place.


    Imagine me screaming No in your face for the next 2 days, whenever you even attempt to say something i will scream no at you.

    You have no idea about Medics in this game it appears. I suggest you go and learn a bit about the class, learn to use it the way its intended to be used or go back to play Borderlands, Battlefield 3 or whatever other Shooter you want and stop ruining our game with your silly suggestions born out of your own inexperiance and apperant unwillingness to learn the class you are using.
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  7. Haterade

    I've played BC2, BF3, and Global Agenda as a medic. In BF3 I had about 8,000 revives in around 350 hours. In GA, I was one of the top 20 healing medics worldwide. SOE went with the GA model.

    Maybe. It'd at a little of variety, but it's not for the reasons you listed.

    First, all three points are rectified when you upgrade your medic gun. Besides, there are upsides to having the applicator rather than a box from both a game play perspective and a design perspective.

    A game play upside is that, with the applicator, I can heal someone through a fire-fight, giving them the time to finish the engagement. With a medical pack, the heals over time are so low that you can't effectively do that. I can also revive from behind cover a lot more effectively than I can in BF3. In BF3 you can revive a guy, have your weapon back out, and engage a target in about half a second; but you still have to expose yourself way too much.

    It seems like you're having problems working cover. Cover is a lot more important in this game because it's ridiculously wide-open; you can get shot from many more angles in this game than in any map-based game because there are effectively no map boundaries in this game.

    The beam gives better heals than the box.

    lol. Cert into your applicator. Outside of the top tier (which is nice but not mandatory), the cert prices are very reasonable.

    The healing mechanics are very similar to GA, so the GA experience will translate well here. GA had two types of healing: beam heals like we have; and nanite heals which are HoT like you describe. Beam heals were for good players, nanites were for nubs.

    There were two problems with nanites: 1.) To make them balanced, you have to have them heal any one person less than a beam heal. You couldn't out HoT much damage at all. 2.) Again to make them balanced, only one set of nanites could be active at once on a person. If I had four medics in a squad and this wasn't the case, people would basically be invincible. Ranged HoT would necessarily be restricted to one HoT at once, so medics will actually be competing each other for heals in a nonproductive way.

    The AoE ability is very good and can be deployed from behind cover. Dropping a medkit necessarily opens you up to enemy fire. Also, balanced medkits would be destructible while I'm more durable and can hide behind cover.

    Actually, ranged HoT in the form of a gun shooting heals is either overpowered or useless.

    Upgrade your applicator and AoE heal and get some flak armor. The current system is both fine and fun.
  8. MrK

    I have none of the OP issues. It's actually about being a dedicated medic (ie, upgrade it) or not. Your issues dissapear once you upgrade. Bare the first, which is resolved easily by moving while healing/reviving.

    This system actually promotes upgrading your medic, and separate non medic from dedicated medics. That actually gives a role to your char
  9. Xil

    Medic have an "AOE Medical Pack" kinda sorta. Healing Grenades work really well, but no one carries them in favor of frags. I count this as a problem that frags are too useful :)
  10. HerpTheDerp

    As much as I'd love to have a deployable medkit, the Nano Regen already is AoE heal, so it would be redundant.

    As for having to heal allies one by one, putting yourself in danger in the process - have you ever considered that might be by design?
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  11. Intruder313

    I'd use Healing /Revive Grenades if they worked like Stickies or even the Infiltrator's Detect gun i.e. fire it to a fixed spot and not have it bounce around randomly.

    I ain't blowing 200/400 Certs on friendly grenades (which no doubt cost more resources), losing my Frag Grenades and THEN have it bouncing out of a useful spot.
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  12. IshanDeston

    Thats because Healgranades don't buff people, giving them extra health, and just their regular health isn't enough to make them survive it, even with a healgranade. The healgranade is even more useless than the Revive granade. Even if we would assume a "stick granade" mechanics would the healgranade be substandard.

    I really would like flashbangs and smokegranades. I barely use my frags as Medic, even run around with a revive granade most of the time. Having flashbangs and smokegranades would be nice though.

    I blew the certs (again), fully knowing how crap they are. Why? Because i hope at some point they will actually be made useful. I don't advice people to cert into it though. Rather get Triage. Its also a useless ability, but honestly i have had more situations where my Triage was useful to me and my Squad than situations my heal granade or Revive granade was more useful.
  13. MrK

    I personnaly use the Medic AR which has the attachement for it, I don't know which empire you play, NC is Gauss S (probably Pulsar S for VS and Cycler S for TR ;) ), it has an underslug smoke grenade launcher which is incredibly usefull and better than LA smokes.
  14. Intruder313

    A great suggestion I read was that all the special grenades (EMP, Smoke etc) should cost less Resources than Frags as another incentive to use them. Frags are very lethal indeed so the alternative has to be brilliant, or cheap to make it worth it.

    I too took Triage because I wanted to run an "Ambulance" (I have a Repair Sunderer) and since taking it I've seen it tick literally 3x.

    I'll eventually take Revive Grenades and I do think they will become sticky, but right now I'm finding plenty of other uses for 400 Certs every time I hit that mark :)
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  15. Haterade

    Revive grenades aren't useless. The AoE range means you don't need a point-blank hit on the grenade, and it's very easy to learn how to use walls and obstructions to put a grenade where you want it.
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  16. IshanDeston

    I am well aware, but i prefer my Foregrip on my NC gun. I much rather have the granade than the Underslung granade launcher which robs me of my ability to have a Foregrip :)
  17. MrK

    To each his own. The more I play with smokes, the more I drop my other setups, tbh. Terribly underused tool
  18. IshanDeston

    In 2 weeks of gaming with Revive Granades i had 1 situation where my Granade was more useful than quickly reviving people with my level 6 Medic Gun.

    The problem with them is they only revive at 50%, so they are situational at best. You can't really throw them into a heavily contested area (okay you can but they will most likely just die again) and it gives you a bad name. People are less likely to accept a rezz from you if you rezz them in a bad spot with bad health.

    Likewise, if they know you rezz them with 100% HP, they will likely accept it right away and considering it takes a moment for the granade to go off, you are most likely already done with the last guy, as soon as i ticks. And they are all battle ready at that point, unlike the granade where they have to retreat to get healed.

    They aren't the most useless thing. Thats healgranades :) And i suppose they work great if you don't have your Medicgun at max level. If you do, you are usually better off rezzing people yourself, than wasting a 100 Ressource Granade on reviving a bunch with 50% health.

    Yeah, i know its nice. I had it on my TR Medic in Beta. Really got milage out of it. But i feel my NC gun needs the Foregrip more. :)
  19. phreec

  20. Haterade

    I have maxed out applicator and AoE heal and I run revive grenades.

    Revive grenades help under the following circumstances: You can't get to the group of friendlies because you would have to cross open ground (particularly when defending the air pads at Bio Labs); you need to revive a bunch of people and use your AoE heal/applicator to heal them after the revive; you won't be able to revive everyone before their respawn counter finishes and they spam redeploy; and some others I'm sure.

    I get a lot more utility out of my one revive grenade than I ever did with my one frag grenade.