[Suggestion] Medic AOE should stop if taking damage

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by darkagent, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. darkagent

    medic AOE is not a shield or designed to be a shield like the heavy. its ment to heal players in the surrounding area. this is becoming and issues where i will shoot a medic way beyond the amount of shots it should take to kill him and he walks away perfectly fine. this is pretty much an exploit. only heavy assault troopers should be able to have a shield. we dont need medics being heavy assault troopers. the Medic AOE heal should stop if the medic starts taking damage. if the medic wants to heal people he will need to pull back from the fight and heal injured players. most injured players already pull back out of the fight looking for a medic.
  2. Screaming Pigeons

    It doesn't heal fast enough to make the medic invulnerable in my experience. If he's healing all of the damage that you've shot him, then you're doing an awful job at shooting him. You might as well complain that SOE should take away the medic's assault rifle away from him since it's a pretty OP AI weapon.
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  3. irishroy

    my opinion on that:
  4. Littleman

    K, but only when jetpacks shut off with a single shot, cloak shuts off with a single shot, and sprinting comes to a complete halt once one takes a hit. Oh, and bunny hoppers take double damage while airborne, just for my personal opinion of balance's sake.

    The AoE heal might spare me from ONE round of damage unless I can get it going for a full second. Invaluable at longer ranges. In CQC, nigh useless.
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  5. James Seth Lynch

    I love you.

    @The OP

    If the medic ability was only designed to heal other people then they wouldnt make it so it also healed you. Planetside 2 is doing what a lot of the new MMO companies are doing and thats the concept that team utility shouldnt be a trade off to solo effectiveness.

    Its called a COMBAT medic for a reason.
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  6. UzumakiW

    Adding on to this, if we shoot a light assault's jet pack, then he/she shouldn't be able to use it until they die and respawn again.

    Like someone said, if that medic is surviving your barrage of shots with that heal on, then you're doing a pretty bad job of shooting him.

    So no.
  7. gagle

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  8. Kugelfisch

    If one doesn't kill me because of my AOE he's far away and not hitting me often. I actually might aswell use the regular medkit and get the job done faster. In fact, sometimes I do as I like to have my AOE for desperate times and healing people around me.

  9. irishroy

    i think our opinion on that is clearly to see.
  10. MykeMichail

    A medic can't out-heal even a pistol.

    At most it might help them survive one extra bullet, simply because it doesn't heal them fast enough.
  11. }{ellKnight

    You are assuming that all shots land. When crossing an open area (going from a building to another building for example) it can make a huge difference.
  12. Intruder313

    Very poor suggestion.
  13. Kugelfisch

    And so can jumping around, the HA shield, jumpjets, medipacks and so on and so forth. It's far from being unfair.
  14. zijin_cheng

    So that was what the green circle of light that gave us all life!!!

    It was the circle of life!
  15. }{ellKnight

    Oh, I don't think it's unfair. IMO the medic class is perfect balance wise (I'd like a more useful triage though). I'm just saying nano regen does have it's uses for the medic in combat situations.
  16. Shiaari

    Much ado about a non-issue. It does not recover health anywhere near fast enough to do what you describe outside razor thin margins.
  17. darkagent

    no i do a pretty good job shooting them as there my first target.
    95% of my shots landed on the guy i shot because he was no further than 15 meters from me.

    i see the majority of the people responding are medics or people who play as a medic not wanting there ability to be changed. start playing other classes and you will see how idiotic it is to fight against a medic that uses the heal as a shield. i know it works i have seen it work and its a poor addition to this game. the healing AOE should stop once damage is taken. if you want to heal get behind cover and heal.
  18. Shiaari

    I've played Engineer far more than Medic, and honestly I've never seen a Medic's AoE heal make that kind of difference. The heal itself does not recover health as fast as you think it does. It is not a "shield" and does not enable the medic to be as durable as you are claiming. Plain and simple.

    Are you sure the medic you were fighting didn't pop a medkit?? I've done that before.
  19. Kugelfisch

    darkagent you're wrong. The heal does not allow the medic to be any more sustainable at 15 meters than any other class. The heal just isn't fast enough. The only thing that makes a medic last longer is enough bullets missing, giving the heal the time needed to make up for already taken damage to heal up. In any realistic firefight where a reasonable amount of shots find it's target he can take one bullet more at best.
    If you really have a big problem downing a medic you are simply missing a lot of shots.

    Play medic yourself for a day and see how much of a difference the heal really makes. You will find that it's not doing anything at closer range and mostly nothing at medium range. Nanoweave makes more of a difference.
    It's really a non-issue you're bringing up and people claiming a medic outlasts a heavy assault with his shield have no idea what they are talking about.
  20. asdfPanda

    I do play other classes. As a matter of fact, look at it this way.
    1. An infiltrator can snipe a medic
    2. A light assault can get the jump on the medic by attacking from a flank or awkward angle.
    3.Max... well it's a max.
    4. Heavy assault can activate shield.
    5. Engineer can dump bullets downrange to suppress. Or the engineer is just driving a tank.
    Even disregarding the points that I just made, the healing AOE also makes your ingame avatar much more visible. Maybe you just need to practice aiming. I mean, if you down the guy's shield, you have a 10 second window to take out the medic at 500 health with 4 shots, assuming you are using a 143 damage weapon. 5 shots if he's got max nanoweave. It's really no big deal, and you are making a problem out of nothing.