[Suggestion] Medic Ability - Posion Dart Gun

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by silentslade, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. silentslade

    Similar to Mana Turret for Engineers, this would add another item to the medics selectable weapons under 4, moving utility to slot 5.

    This would be shaped like the Infiltrator dart gun, but would instead cause a dart that acts as as regular healing grenades do, but in reverse. doing 50 damage per second for about 10 seconds.

    Direct hits to a player would do some damage on initial impact and then slowly damage them over time without causing the area of effect. This would hurt them faster than the area of effect would.

    Increasing the level would add more darts and more duration to the effect.
  2. silentslade

    This can also be made into a poison grenade as another option, for medics who want to be able to improve their offensive capabilities.
  3. Jac70

    Or you could just shoot them.
  4. silentslade

    True, but the idea here is to try to get enemies out of an area, more area control in the form of offense.
  5. Maleficus04

    While I think it's an interesting idea, I can't say I'd really want it in the game. I don't like the idea of anyone (even my primary class) having any kind of damage over time ability that you couldn't move out of. As in, once you get hit with that dart, there's no avoiding the full duration of the damage; only healing through it. If you weren't a medic or didn't have a healing kit, then you're just screwed if you were already at half health.

    The area of effect, damage over time grenade sounds okay, even though I'd prefer not to have any more aoe than is already available. I'd assume that would more likely be something like an incendiary grenade or something, though, and likely to be given to more than the medic class.
  6. Dusty Lens

    I'd pay good money to be able to dart a max.
  7. silentslade

    You might be right, maybe change it do that if a direct hit it does some impact damage and does the normal area thing?

    My reasoning was that you could see it coming and choose to take the hit on purpose so as to protect the area you dont want flooded

    Was thinking poison or deconstructive nanites, to fall in line with the lore.
    would take the form of a foggy cloud of purple. in a small spherical area.
  8. Kugelfisch

    Poison nades sound damn awesome. Area supression would be really useful for a medic and the VS medic already has a mask that looks like a gasmask. I'd love those!

    As for poison darts. They sound like an awesome thing for a Infiltrator. Make them silent, replace the recon darts, remove the AOE and you'd have something really fitting for infiltrating. Hard to aim but more silent than a silenced gun.
  9. AsteriskCGY

    Eh this is a game without many visual cues for the player. They won't know if they got poisoned and cannot heal themselves through the damage. This was valid in Global Agenda since it was third person and everyone had a channeled heal.
  10. Nyldar

    Would they also get their ammo refilled by engineers, like the infiltrator dart gun thingy does ?
    If yes, thats going to cause ... issues.
    • Up x 1
  11. igorthir

    shoot people? are you some kind of barbarian Sir? We are doctors not tuppeny quacks with an aspirin and sticky plasters!
  12. xNPCx

    Instead of poison what about support?

    Restoration dart gun- takes the place of default med tool, requires ammo, can't revive, but acts as a restoration kit on recipient for a set amount of time (certs increases amount of shots and the amount of time it lasts).
    • Up x 1
  13. Bad News

    I play medic 90% of my time and i think medics is closer to get a nerf then another toy to play with. I'm the support guy but i kill anything in this game, come in your tank and i will send you back to spawn. Come as a max and you just wasted 100 inf resources. Kill one of my friends and i will revive him before you even have reloaded.
    Maybe add a poison gas grenade would work but if there is anything needed to be done it is to fix the useless triage and i think that should be the very last thing on SOEs to do list.

    They do have A LOT of broken stuff to fix.
  14. silentslade

    Thats a good idea you should make a thread!
  15. silentslade

    Didn't think about that. Maybe a cool down of 5 mins after use? like spawn beacons?