[Guide] MED School combat medic guide ep 1 back to basics

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by IronTyrant, Sep 23, 2013.

  1. IronTyrant

  2. Mxiter

    Nice video!
    I don't really agree with flak armor. I prefer using NW since i use the nano-regen device during fight (kinda HA overshield) and this bigger health pool can give me more time for self-healing.
    No words about C4 and grenades?

    1 more tip: clean the room then revive. Don't revive people in front of your opponents.
  3. IronTyrant

    flak and nano are both fair choices, gonna be covering grenades in ep 3 i think, next one am gonna talk about moving away from the default gun i think
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  4. Qasar

    The only time I've found flak really necessary is on an Engy, especially while babysitting a MAX. They tend to be the target of lots of explosions of which you'll be taking splash damage. On my CM, I die far more often to bullets or impatience on my part than explosions.

    I actually use a maxed (I wouldn't use it before that) ASC on my Medic. It works really well in medium range fights when I'm being cautious. Shoot, kill, take immediate cover, reload, regen shields, shoot, kill, take immediate cover... and so on. That quick regenerating shield has saved me a few times and with most ARs having fairly small mags, it just all fits into a nice synergistic package. If I'm in full on CQC, though, NW5 and a shotgun is the better option.