MCG update?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by cruczi, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. cruczi

    What's this about "updated MCG"?
    Matthew Higby@mhigby 2h
    By the way, that 896 RPM Lynx will not be firing faster than the updated MCG.

    Supposedly it'll be in the next balance pass or something, but does anyone know what they're doing to it?
  2. sustainedfire

    Nothing has been announced yet about TR revamps, outside of the Lynx RPM change.
  3. Maljas23

    Is it finally time for the MCG to return to it's former glory? This means that the MCG will be firing at 900+ RPM!
  4. gigastar

    Thats to say, we have nothing concrete on it yet.

    We know the Striker and MCG are in the revamp pile, and that a lucky TR carbine is being inducted into the 167 club, but thats about it.
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  5. cruczi

    Striker too? Awesome news. About time for TR to get some good old McLovin'
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  6. RyanGUK

    Recoil will likely be a fair bit, with a damage nerf in tow. I'd genuinely expect the 112~ mark for damage if true.
  7. Bape

    So basically it

    167 carbine

    something tells me this is the TR changes.
  8. hawken is better

    Lynx gets brought up to 896 rpm.
    Gets dropped to 125 damage-per-bullet.

    What a surprise, it's gonna be on on par with the awesome and much-loved SMG-46 Armistice :D :D :D :D :D :D

    Now I'm even more skeptical of the MCG update.
  9. Robertooooo

    I hope they buff the MCG so it's a at least as useful as any of the other LMG's. Oh that would be so fun to actually be able to face a infiltrator headon without being outgunned :D
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  10. Eyeklops

    I see the rule of the Terrain Empire forthcoming, the 4th faction is eyeing you up. I really hope they do something cool with the Striker, I hardly use it since the nerf.
  11. Kristan

    Huhuhu, MCG finally going to deliver proper dakka. Unless they going to nerf bullet damage.
  12. Admiralty

    Prowler Vulcan needs some love
  13. Kunavi

    This thing takes no different ammo types, no scopes, no stabilization(Only Laser and I think not even Advanced), no suppression obviously... And has ramp up. So this is not enough, max RPM increase I mean. I'm sorry but I'm not excited just because it will fire faster IF you survive long enough... 8 out of 10 you won't. Call me a Negative Nancy, but you're hyping it up way much if that's all that's going to change.
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  14. NinjaTurtle

    The general rule of thumb seema to be the higher the rate of fire the lower the damage per shot.

    I'm not sure if TR really expected to have their RoF increased whilst keeping a 143 damage shot but if so that is an unrealistic expectation

    The only other way to really balance is otherwise would be insane recoil and that would be even more unpopular I think
  15. Killerdude8

    They'll probably Nerf the MCG's bullet damage, and we'd be right back where we are now...

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  16. MostlyClueless

    Yeah I don't know why anyone would want an Armistice but in Carbine form.

    Well except for that sounding completely ******* awesome.

    We don't know the entirety of the changes. Until we do it's kind of pointless complaining about them.
  17. Bankrotas

    What did you expect? 143/900+ weapon? You know how many downsides would such weapon would have to be balanced?
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  18. Kerunian

    A massive spin up time before it can fire to give the enemy a chance to take you down before - oh wait...
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  19. Vikingo

    You Negative Nancy
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  20. Bankrotas

    Sorry, but current spin up is quite nice, since you can burstfire very accurately.
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