MBT prices double, AV Mana Turret still unchanged.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Revel, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. Revel

    A different day, a different patch, still being shot by people 700m away who don't render.
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  2. Wezdor

    Maybe some day... maybe... We can only hope
  3. Revel

    This is a company who increased resource costs because Higby thought they weren't selling enough resource boosts. This is a company who has taken away the ability to see enemy health because they want to sell it back to you as an implant.

    AV turret will get a nerf when they have a new AV deployable to replace it.
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  4. NietCheese

    If you have ever driven a tank, then you would realise that being shot by invisible missiles from a speck on a hill 800 meters away is not fun. A real quality of life update would have addressed this fix as the #1 priority.

    The mistakes continue, driving people out of the game. So many people want to love this game, but they are making it difficult to do so.

    They leave this mistake in, but they increase the prices of armor. Horrible.
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  5. Taiji

    Good ideas. Are you saying you have a better idea?
  6. Revel

    Is it a good idea when it alienates people? They could have at least disguised it better.
  7. FigM

    AV Mana turret is the worst balanced thing in the game right now. There's literally no other weapon or vehicle balance issue that is more important and game breaking than this. I don't understand how SOE can be so oblivious to such a glaring problem
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  8. LibertyRevolution

    They want infantryside2, they have no interest in nerfing AV turrets.
  9. Thardus

    They should just give it a maximum range of around 600-650 meters. Better than a lock-on Launcher, but not by much.
  10. Sebastien

    They did it because people complained about vehicle spam.
    Correlation =/= Causation.
  11. Morti

    Yeah it could really use a distance cap like the phoenix has.

    Annoying as hell when you're parked in your sundy, thinking you're safe. "THUNK". Dafuq was that? "THUNK". 50% Sundie life wat.
    No libs, no MBTs, no heavies. Where the shizzle is the damage coming from?

    Meanwhile is australia.
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  12. Bill Hicks

    They really really need to nerf the damage of a weapon that can shoot so far, and with infinite ammo. It shouldn't even be able to one shot infantry.
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  13. FigM

    AV turret needs range nerf, deploy timer, and resource cost of at least 100
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  14. Wezdor

    I'm guessing the Tinfoil hat will be their best seller. You should get 2 :eek:
  15. DashTech

    Turrets have the same draw distance as vehicles don't they? If I get a thunk I shoot at the turret and inevitably get points for the turret and the engineer.

    Not really sure how the turret is any different in the vehicle game to snipers in the infantry game. If you sit still for a long time, expect to start getting shot at.
  16. Taiji

    Sorry for the necro but this deserves a response.

    Alienating people who will later recognise their errors in judgement is fine. In fact it ought to encourage them rethink those judgements - Unless they're too arrogant for that.

    If you have a product that is not in demand because of poorly thought out game design, you change the game design to make the product more appealing. It's really seems that simple to me.

    I made a mod for DLV, a mod for M2TW, that raised the difficulty in order to make players use everything in that mod or else face destruction. It's the same principle.

    If your game has stuff which players are meant to want to use, but then find no use for, it means you ****** up as designer.
  17. KlyptoK

    Damage isn't the problem as much as infinite range you can maintain control of the projectile, and one-shotting infantry with it isn't exactly easy.
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  18. Revarios

    So while i was utterly drunk yesterday (btw playing a drunk sniper is fun!) i had this idea that of course might turn out to be nothing more than moronic and pointless foam coming from my mouth but ill give it a go.

    Since the resource increase on vehicles and maxes woud it not make sense to put a bit of a limit on AV mana turret and rockets?
    not in the sense of resource shennigans we hardly want more of those but lets say rockets are not refillable on engineer ammo packs and the AV mana turret is treated like a consumable?

    Perhaps that woud ease up on the lock-on warriors and av mana turret spamming engineers.
  19. gunfox

    They were nerfed a while ago in the armor-piercing update. They were not given armor piercing rounds. What needs fixing though is that they can shoot right through shields (e.g. AMP station) from a far enough distance.
  20. Jex =TE=

    Will this help?
