MAXside event

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DooDooBreff, Apr 27, 2016.

  1. DooDooBreff

    Once another flawlessy implemented update is applied there will be a week long event called MAXside. Bring your C4, and some kleenex aswell, depending on which end youre taking it from
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  2. Moridin6

    take it

    to the MAXXX
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  3. Haquim

    ..... I don't get it?

    Care to elaborate?
  4. Sulsa

    I think my favorite part of game updates is the speculation and silliness of Forumside just before...
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  5. DooDooBreff

    construction update today, with a new max weapon included that im sure the NC players are going to be going googoo for
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  6. Demigan

    MAX's get a weapon that works similar to the Basilisk. Medium vs infantry low power vs vehicles.

    When that becomes a reality, can we finally come to the conclusion that shotguns on MAX's are niche weapons?

    Although I do think that the VS/TR should get at least one weapon with similar CQC power and trade offs.
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  7. DooDooBreff

    IMO the pounder fits that role, even if unintended
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  8. Demigan

    Hmm yes, but the Pounder sacrifices a strong AV role for that. Falcon's and Comets, although not common, are still pretty badass against vehicles when you get down to it. So either the Fractures should compensate more (they were buffed again I hear? And DBG seemed to be following the new path of "easy does it" pretty nicely and put them in a good spot?), or the TR needs a specific CQC weapon with similar workings to shotguns. Maybe a truly horrifying chaingun ROF but a horrifying COF to match?
    Then we still have the VS, who could definitely need a good CQC alternative. Since the NC don't get a similar power AI weapon as the TR/VS it shouldn't rival the NC power, but it should definitely come close. But as always, the trade-off for this CQC power is a lack of ranged power. Maybe they could launch conical-shaped explosions in front of them or something?
  9. thebigbortishbort

    i for one wierdly enough see these HMG's as possible intrigueing anti air guns , especially for the TR with deploy awwwyis
  10. BurntMyWater

    Well maxes already have bursters for air, but I do see the value in having these HMGs because now we can deal with air without gimping ourselves too much to ground combatants.

    waat its today???
  12. PasitheeVS

    Maybe I will get more MAX kills for my HA directive than usually...
  13. DooDooBreff

    construction update, have you been under a rock, or too busy puking all over the forums to notice?
  14. MiguelZaibatsu

    maxside is that what you call staring at the spawn screen?
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  15. DooDooBreff

    oh look, its our favorite mush mouthed, you tubefailure back for another curb stomping
  16. XanIves

    Forum Guidelines:

    3) Do not troll or make personal attacks - Trolling and attacking others is not allowed on Daybreak Games Forums or other Daybreak Games-maintained communication channels.

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    • Examples of personal attacks include calling someone stupid, saying "You suck," "I wish you would die," or "You should be fired."
  17. DooDooBreff

    youre in violation for criticizing me apparently Mr. Hallmonitor
  18. Naaahhhhh

    So the NC got their machine gun for max. Can we now also get NS shotguns for max?
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  19. Moridin6

    tubefailure.. lol
    thats in-game lore so its cool .

    having not tried them the idea of max carried basilisks is.. lackluster