MAX's holding down the fort at leopardwood. Intense Single Squad Stand

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Excellentz, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. Excellentz

    Check it out!

  2. Mootar

    ARGH at first I was like "ah ACDC, this makes a nice change from the usual generic dubstep pish" and then without any warning whatsoever at 2:13, you assault my eardrums with what can only be described as SH1TE.

    Its a tarp and you should be ashamed.
  3. ent|ty

    Yawn, I do this every day.

    GJ though. Holding a base can be great fun, great XP, and annoy the enemy enough for them to Zerg you out of there.