Max vs. Max question

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Crewell, Mar 8, 2013.

  1. Crewell

    I had an interesting thing happen last. I was in my dual burster max last night at one of the satellite bases near Zurvan Amp Station. I cut through the building with the conversion point to get on the roof. While cutting through I run into a VS max with stock weapons. I am literally five steps away and unloaded my bursters. I dropped the other max unbelievably fast. Faster than I would with my dual hacksaws. Have other players ever encountered this? I know bursters can be used on infantry, but the damage in this situation seemed much greater than normal.
  2. Tungsten

    I assume you Q spotted the person before you killed them and determined they were at full health?
  3. Crewell

    Yes we were both full health as far as I could tell.
  4. Crewell

    A slight bump, because I've had this happen again. This time I was shooting ESF and libs and diving into a building to avoid being shelled. A dual mercy (or onslaught) max came in and again I unloaded near point blank with my bursters. It just tore the other max up. I'm beginning to wonder if max armor has some weird vulnerability to flak type weapons.
  5. VanuSovereignty

    MAXes have only double the health of normal infantry, at 2k, as well as 25% explosive resist, so the flak could be doing a bunch of extra damage.
  6. Crewell

    I'm thinking something like that has to be happening. Granted I didn't kill the max as fast as I would have at the same range as I do with dual hacksaws, but I did kill it faster than it could kill me with dual mercies. I only had a couple bars of life left when the other max died. I also use the flak armor and not kinetic so incoming damage shouldn't have been reduced.

    I guess I may need to get a friend in a max and do some controlled tests, or wait for the VR addition.
  7. Dakkaface

    I would guess that unlike AI weapons, Flak is flagged as an AA weapon (and it doesn't explode on infantry) so neither KA nor FA will provide any resistance against it.