MAX "Transport Mode" is coming

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Radec594, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. Radec594

    Not sure if anyone has noticed it yet, but I recall this being a pretty widely requested feature, and nobody commented about it.


    Soo... Yay?
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  2. RomulusX

    What's the description for it say?
  3. LameFox

    It didn't have a proper one last I looked.
  4. JudgeDeath

    I hope all maxes get equal modes and not the "VS Slow as snails ... TR supaspeed ... NC Medium" allready failed design.
  5. Rown

    Vs maxes will be slow, but able to strafe at 5 km/h.
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  6. Vansoth

    150, 200, 400, 500, 1000 That is my best guess. What is another 2250 certs dumped into my MAX at this point. Glad I have been saving up!
  7. RomulusX

    It probably just increases the overall speed of autorun and unable to use weapons while in it
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  8. Liquid23

    I'll buy it only if it allows the MAX to ride on the back of a Flash.... yeah my flash with hubcaps, underlights, mermaid hood ornament, pink camo, an M40 fury with a dual burster Max hanging off the back... ******* mobile AA platform with style
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  9. Goretzu

    Honestly I wish they'd just remove charge and replace it with a transport mode, like in PS1. It would make more sense and would help with balance issues too.
  10. Marinealver

    as much as I like us getting back some of our extreamly useful features such as autorun (which could allow for the classic MAX crash back) I do not like the fact that you have to build them up to that.

    Makes me wish we had the old certification system where you either had the weapon/vehicle/armor or not. Not have say half a MAX suit and then you got to buy all the options such as heater/AC or FM radio to go with them.

    Here is a Planetside (1) MAX

    Here is a Planetside 2 MAX
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  11. Radec594

    "Transport Mode: Description"

    Eh? EEH?!

    Yeah, still lacking one.
    Also, the prices are all 9999; even if you do buy it on PTS, nothing happens; it's a placeholder, which is better than nothing I guess.
  12. Chinchy

    lol when I think of a transport mode for a max I imagine a baby sling on there back that a softy can sit in piggy back style :p
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  13. Tommyp2006

    Umm... I believe you mean slow as CRABS sir!

    PS: What would transport mode even do?
  14. SenEvason

    Can someone explain what it is?
  15. CitizenSoldier

    I know it's a joke, but if they did that........omg. That would count for at least 12 nails in the Planetside 2 coffin.
  16. Jex =TE=

    Who's got 9999 certs??? Quick, buy it!!!
  17. toxs


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  18. Jex =TE=

    Am I dreaming or what!?
  19. Vansoth

    Travel Mode is something we had in PS1. It is an ability that when activated disabled our weapons systems while increasing our run speed dramatically for as long as we wished. It took several seconds to slow down and disable travel mode all the while being unable to fire your weapons until you came to a complete stop. It was used to get between bases without having to climb into a vehicle. It was much more difficult to find transport as a MAX in PS1 because there was only two spots for MAX in a sunderer or a galaxy.
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  20. xNPCx

    They also can only go sideways.

    I hope they add a rumble seat to maxes, that would be hilarious.:D
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