Max # of locked continents to become dynamic tomorrow!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ronin Oni, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. Ronin Oni

    Lots of Hossin fixes as well... but ^^^THIS should hopefully stop all the complaints during Peak about having nothing but zerg fights, while still providing the main point to localize fighting off-peak.

  2. Rift23

    Still gonna be a lot of bumhurt Indarphiles.
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  3. TheShrapnelKing

    Dammit just let us go all the way and "win" the server by locking all the conts. I've said it since day 1, this game needs an end state.
  4. Ronin Oni


    As soon as it happened it'd need a Win Condition and an immediate reset.

    They can't have people logging on to play and getting a "Sorry, the NC won today. Come back tomorrow" message.
  5. TheShrapnelKing

    Well duh. Leave the whole server locked for like half an hour for the winning faction to hunt down all the remaining enemy players and revel in their victory and whatnot, then reset everything.
  6. Kislany

    Since this whole continent locking started, I've been playing much less. I love playing on Esamir, and now Hossin as well. Indar not so much and Amerish I literally hate. Most of the times when I log on, there's nothing for me to do, both continents are locked. I just log off.
  7. WyrdHarper

    I wish they'd explain it a little bit better. If populations are low, do continents become neutral-locked, or does the threshold for number of total captured continents before unlocking become higher?
  8. minhalexus

    If pops are low and one continent is locked, then the other continent "can" be locked while keeping the first locked.
    If pops are high, the second continent being locked will unlock the first continent.

    So basically you can have 2 locked continents on low pop, and 1 or 0 locked continent on high pop.
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  9. WyrdHarper

    Cool, thanks! I hope there's a UI element which indicates which is the case.
  10. vincent-

    Would not enjoy unless we had the ocean and our super battleship homes than I would approve.
  11. DK22

    That's nice, but just what does 'low' mean? Aren't they getting kind of obsessed with huge pop battles all the time.
    Its doesn't necessarily translate into more money or fun for that matter.
    When pop is massive I don't bother fighting just Medic or Eng. Just the way I roll.
    My epic battles are always of the 1-12 vs 1-12 kind, you can make a difference.
    48+, your just another dead ant that can re-spawn.