MAX Nanite Cost Bumped to 500

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lewk, Aug 8, 2014.

  1. xboxerdude

    Welcome to ScaredyscatMaxside2 - Where maxes don't push forward
  2. Ceiu


    Changes like this make me wonder how much thought the guys at SOE are putting into the far reaching consequences of these moves. As an example, let's run through the recent changes a bit:

    - No spawn timer means more vehicles/MAXes/etc. Potentially good thing, depending on your opinion.
    - More armor means more need for anti-armor (rockets, c4, etc.).
    - Nerfs to anti-armor means MAXes are about the only efficient means of dealing with them (at least within the scope of anti-MAX and anti-air). c4/grenade/mine costs stack up quickly and aren't as reliable against mobile armor, rocket nerfs make heavies easy targets for infantry flanks, anti-air RLs are simply broken at the moment AND have hard-counters against them when they're not (stealth, flares).
    - Increased MAX cost means less MAX spam. In a biolab or whatever, I can probably run around without needing my RL out as much but...
    - Fewer MAXes out in the open means more air spam that goes unchecked. Last I looked, ESLs still had rocket pods which were still super effective against infantry. And everything else, for that matter.

    I suppose you could argue that you solve the last step by just using your own aircraft for anti-air, but I'm not certain how reasonable that is. Finding the proper terminal in itself may prohibit that at select locations, not to mention the time wasted out-of-combat while you're roaming the countryside to get your craft and fly it back to the battle.

    Overall, I think this change is just going to redirect attention to other (glaring?) issues in the current balance/meta. Personally, I'm already sick of the increasing number of bugs in the sky and I'm not looking forward to having fewer MAXes running around to deal with them. I guess if I stick to Hossin, I can just hide under the trees all day long.

    Wat. You didn't honestly compare a 4 or 5 shot RL with 4-5s reload times to everything a MAX has at its disposal, did you?
  3. Tito

    yes like it no more izy kills