MAX - Mystical Unicorn?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Spartan 117, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. Spartan 117

    Does anyone know how exactly MAX suits damage reduction works? No one seems to know. Its as if one of the main classes is some mystical creature no one seems to understand. Some say MAX's have 80% reduction to small arms (Which I would say is flat out wrong). Others say it just has higher health than normal infantry but no damage reduction to small arms at all. Some say it has a minor reduction to small arms like 18%. So which is it?

    Can someone shed some light on this issue. Some %'s or numbers we can work with? How does kinetic armor effectively impact a MAX's damage reduction?

    Only thing I can say for certain is MAX's in their current state seem extremely vulnerable to small arms fire, grenades, rocket launchers and well...pretty much every other weapon in the game. Is this intended?
  2. gunshooter

    Maxes have like 5x the health of a normal infantry. That's hardly "vulnerable." It's rare that I pull a MAX and end up with less than 15 kills.
  3. DeathFaith

    Its just bugged , its like it keeps stats from the previous class you had others it does not .
  4. Mattressi

    They seem fine when I play as one - I can tank quite a bit of damage, but I can't just run in and kill 6 people by myself. I would say it's intended to be this way, since a MAX costs the same as a stick of C4 if I recall correctly.

    All classes have 1000 health in total (500 shield, 500 health), except infiltrators who have 900 in total (400 shield 500 health). So, I doubt the MAX health is being altered based on what class you were.
  5. Salaman

    They definitely have higher overall health compared to infantry. It takes 3 direct hit prowler shells to kill one while 1 shell will kill infantry.

    I'd also be inclined to say there's a significant % damage reduction to bullets as well, considering how many shots they can take vs. how many shots an infantry unit can take. I'd estimate on the order of 50% or even better.
  6. Spookydodger

    Well, let's see.

    For a full-health VS max with no defensive augments:

    3-5 clips of an average infantry weapon.
    4 grenades
    2 rockets
    1 anti-tank cannon round (from a vanguard, I believe it was)
    3 anti-infantry cannon direct hits.
    4 Zephyr close hits
    2 Dalton close hits
    2 Saron HRB (magrider anti-tank secondary gun)
    1 C4

    Not exactly the numbers you were looking for, but sometimes I feel the end result is sometimes preferable to the "why".
  7. exLupo

    MAXes get flat damage reduction? I thought it was just a huge HP buffer and then they could slot small arms or explosive resistance.
  8. gunshooter

    Lots of that is just wrong. C4 can't 1 shot a MAX and 2 DH rockets will only get a MAX to 10%.
  9. DrTeeth

    I am completely confused atm, I'd like my Max to able to take more damage from infantry rounds but I've no idea what effect this cert line will have. It's hugely expensive to boot! 2250 certs is an awful lot to spend only to find out you're just as squishy as before.
  10. Xizwhoa

    I haven't died to a max suit 1v1 in some time but its 75 hitting rounds from a carv 9 to kill one.
  11. Boogafin

    C4 DOES 1 hit a MAX, i play light assault and hunt down MAXes just so i can feel like im not wasting my C4 :p

    try it and realize the magic that is C4
  12. gunshooter

    No it doesn't. It kills damaged MAXes only.
  13. Chrysalis

    They can only take 2 clips of extended auto-shotgun at close range.

    Acquiring this information took an NC MAX pilot that couldn't land 2 shots in the time it took me to land nearly 20. :|
  14. Slyguy65

    I ran into a vanu max a couple times that insta killed me with the chain that i look back, he could have been aim botting....since i was a heavy and he INSTANTLY got me with the chain gun when i popped around a corner. NO ASSIST, NO SCATTERGUN.

    Also i remember yesterday a dude was solo capping this place (also vanu...hmmm) and he was able to instantly kill me as a heavy and me as a light assault....headshot in less than a second....4 himself....i jet packed i the air 2 of those times....

    THEN TODAY I log into to check out double XP...the server is going nuts claiming vanu hackers are EVERY now im fairly sure that VANU have majority hacks on waterson now.
  15. Jimmy DeSouza

    Its not that the maxes health is altered, but that occasionally the game will glitch out and even though you are a max you will only have the health of whatever class you had been playing before you went MAX (without shields, so just the green bar).

    I have seen a number of people complain about it, but I am not enough of a flaming pansy to ever play MAX so no first hand experience
  16. Spookydodger

    That might be because VS weapons usually have no bullet drop.

    Could also be because many people are reactionary goobers. Just look at the thread going nuts about aircraft sucking "after the patch" when the changes haven't been made yet.
  17. Spookydodger

    10% is a couple of bullets.

    And I don't know what to tell you about the C4 thing. The guy only had time to toss one C4 around the corner and then I died and only had a bar or two of damage. Maybe the animation was off and he threw 2 satchels.