MAX heads shouldn't have the 80% Small arms resistance.

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Scr1nRusher, Feb 24, 2014.

  1. LordCreepy

    Maxes die fast enough to bullets right now - no need to further weaken them.
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  2. MorganM

    So this is based on how the MAX default helmet LOOKs? Heh... OK.... so I bought a cool looking helmet that LOOKS like it has more armor; I should get a higher head shot resistence right?

    Things are balanced on performance in relation to others... not looks.
  3. Lord_Avatar

    Essentially the MAX is a suit of power armor - movement is handled by servos, not by human muscles; thus - the head can be protected just as well as the rest of the body. Besides, MAX units are fairly easy to drop as they are - a multitude of counters exist.
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  4. ComradeHavoc

    Least you can reach them, lil' B-***** plinking away at my NC max while my 2 ton *** runs 2 meters a minute trying to reach them.
  5. DQCraze

    So you want me to spend 350 infantry res to get instanta killed by 2 light assaults. Im paying for that ability to be armored up, and when my faction has very few territories and we are trying to push out, those precious resources need to count. Whats the point of Maxing if you can be headshoted.
  6. Goretzu

    I don't think they should be reducing MAX surviability.

    I think they should be increasing MAX surviability whilst reducing their DPS.

    Which would create a much more interesting dynamic with them (admittedly AA would be tricky to balance).
  7. KnightCole

    Why is it so hard to believe a MAX could crouch? Its just a bit suit of powered armor. It has actuators and everything like a human. It can crouch.
  8. JudgeDeath

    No ty.

    Reason enough is that maxes dont need nerfs like this.
  9. Dieter Perras

    the mear thought that you think there is always a heavy or tank shooting them when they are out in plain sight is laughable.
  10. Ash87

    To take out a max, if you shoot it in the head for 3 seconds, you down it. That is with an LMG. The Heavy has the fastest way to down a max suite, in the game.

    Raising that further, would really marginalize maxes for no particular reason.
  11. repairtool6

    Fantastic suggestion OP. Support this 100 % :)
    Don't let the moron naysayers here get you down. Keep refining this idea. Work out the numbers.
  12. MajiinBuu

    This would be terrible for maxes. I could imagine dropping behind a max and dropping it with a couple PA shots :D
  13. AdmiralArcher

    well i guess you could always try slugs? regardless any changes to this would make the so called "balance" way off as it would favor long range VS maxs and cloase range NC maxes leaving no middle ground for the blose to medium range TR max
  14. ComradeHavoc

    Slugs are no bueno.
  15. Dargadon

    MAXes shouldn`t have headshots at all. Better move weak point to their backs, on those generator-looking things. This will make more sense.
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  16. Hiding in VR

    I was thinking a similar thing ... MAX arses shouldn't have 80% Small arms resistance ;)
  17. starlinvf

    It was done that way so they can't tank explosives with a massive HP pool. Its a similar issue to how Base HP Nanowave bonus was granting survivability on several finely tuned weapons thresholds (Infantry TTK, AP mines, Sniper head shots, and splash).

    Considering how easy it is to flank most MAXs, I would say drop resistance from the back by 10% (eff HP 6667 instead of 10k) would be enough to create a weak spot while still keeping them more durable. I would also explore the idea of increasing their frontal armor and creating a special hitbox object on the back in lieu of the weird vector calculation used against vehicles. This would allow more dynamics to MAX design, and open the possibility of sub-system stunning to change their type of vulnerability.
  18. Inf1nite

    Dude, these guys are mechanical huge tanks. If infantry could just shoot at the head of a MAX then they would be able to kill the MAX in about 3-5 shots. That's a waste of 350 resources.
  19. Posse

    Don't you dare nerf my crutches, how am I supposed to kill anything outside a MAX!!!!!!!!!!1111
  20. Ocaml

    Great post OP! I fully support you!

    You only forgot to add the following: now MAXes have no timer and no resource cost.