MAX Charge Abilities

Discussion in 'MAX' started by paulatl, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. paulatl

    I simply wish to propose a suggestion for the MAX suit: to allow its charge abilities to be more variable. I currently find the three-second charge somewhat disappointing, especially with its long "re-charge" time; however, I do see its potential uses. To compromise and allow all players to use their preferred charge tactics, I suggest a "speed dial" be implemented. At its highest setting, the MAX suit would charge just as it does now: At extremely high speed and for short duration. If an additional "halt" mechanic were introduced to the charge to allow it to be stopped when only partially depleted, one could then set the "speed dial" to a relatively low proportion of the maximum; it could then sprint for a longer duration, but at a comparatively lower speed. Regeneration of the charge would proceed at the normal rate. Weapons should be entirely disabled only at full speed, though they should have larger spreads at higher velocities.
    I believe this would allow more versatile MAX units to exist, as they may move at a myriad of speeds, while those who enjoy the charge function as it is now would not be affected in the slightest; the "speed dial" could simply be set to maximum and these players could continue.
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