max against archer

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Killshoot1, Jun 25, 2015.

  1. Killshoot1

    hi there i have just one short question,
    i not able to play in the moment to try it out

    what armor is better for the max against the archer
    kinetic or the other ,?

    thank you
  2. The Enigma

    the best armor against archer is a meatshield,just use your engi as cover.
    i dont think any of the max class armor reduces damage from archer as it isnt in small arm category or explosive damage category
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  3. Killshoot1

    lol there was a time when i used my max to protect my engie
    now i have to sniff his butt to survive
    i would think the kinetic would be better, because
    its a bullet , but isnt it an explosive bullet
    like i say i dont know much :)
  4. Ronin Oni

    It's not explosive AFAIK so Kinetic would "be better" though Kinetic really doesn't actually reduce dmg % from bullets a whole lot (it's just that max take a LOT of normal bullets as is, so a small % change adds up over 50 bullets)

    I think Archer is 3 hit kill either way. Someone could/should do some testing but I don't think it really matters as far as Archer is concerned.

    I like Flak because rockets and C4 are (or were) the biggest dangers to a MAX and flak armor minimizes those dangers (you can eat a C4 brick to the face with flak)
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  5. Demigan

    actually, the % does add a lot.

    You go from 80% damage reduction to 90% damage reduction. This might seem like "only 10% extra", but the standard status is 80% damage reduction. add 20% and you are invulnerable, add 10% and you reduce the damage by half of what you normally get! So you actually double your health against bullet weapons when wearing maximum kinetic armor.

    For those who didn´t get that:
    100*80% damage reduction=20 damage left
    100*90% damage reduction=10 damage left.
    So you are left with half the damage compared to the "normal" status of 80% damage reduction.
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  6. Killshoot1

    I guess I will find out the hard way , but I like
    To use flak more , because of c4 and rockets
    At least you can react to the archer by sniffing your engi's butt ,
    At least for so long it's not used by an organized squad
  7. Regpuppy

    I'm not sure kinetic does enough to change the amount of headshots. But it'll probably help against body shots, albeit only a little bit.

    Really though, you're better off just avoiding situations where the Archer has an advantage altogether. Basically playing every max like it's an NC scatmax. The archer will eventually lose it's newness and will either be apart of situational outfit meta or fall into obscurity. :p
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  8. Ronin Oni

    is it that high? wow.... Kinetic is pretty good then....

    Still, I prefer being able to soak a C4 blast to the face and walk away with 60% health, or eating rockets like a champ

    This was all until AMR though, so perhaps with AMR proliferation Kinitic might be better though testing will be needed.

    Oh, I think Flak armor will save you from a ATM as well, not that you should run over them (WATCH WHERE YOU STEP!!) but people will toss them into doorways and you're apt to eat one then.
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  9. Goretzu

    It changes your effective health (vs. small arms) from 10000 to ~16000, so it should have some effect, but it'll depend on the exact resistances of the Archer.

    At a guess 1-2 more bodyshots and 1 more headshot.
  10. Stigma

    kinetic should apply to the archer, but I don't think it makes any difference in the amount of bullets you can take from full health. Might conceivably save you if you already had taken some damage from other sources though.

    That said I don't think archers are the main threat you have to worry about in a MAX - and once its novelty wears off there will be even fewer people using it on a regular basis.
