[Suggestion] MAX ability changes and additions (fun for all?)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Onetoo, May 29, 2013.

  1. Onetoo

    Let me start off by saying that I mostly play Vanu, but I will try my best to keep faction bias out of this post.

    Overall I'm somewhat disappointed with the new TR & NC MAX abilities; while at the same time, I'm very happy with ZOE. This came as somewhat of a surprise, considering that I was initially dreading ZOE and thought that it sounded like a lame shifting of numbers to create a rather uninspired ability for the Vanu. Now that I have had some time with my new favorite MAX ability, I feel that the other 2x factions got the short end of the stick and deserve a buff.

    If I was king for a day, here is what I would change in an attempt to add more fun and balance to the new MAX abilities:

    NC MAX - Riot Shield

    -Increase the size of the shield so that it fully protects the front of the NC MAX (and by extension, the allies hiding behind)
    -Allow the NC MAX to perform a melee attack while the shield is up. This melee would cause a *stun* effect that would render the victim immobile for 2 seconds. The stun wouldn't effect MAX units, but would serve as a near guaranteed infantry kill if the other faction was unable to defeat the MAX before it delivered it's second and final blow.
    -If a Melee attack is used while shielded and holding the 'run' key, the NC MAX would perform a short range (15 feet) charge that would knock back and scatter all enemies that it made contact with.
    There would be a 15 second cool-down on the "charge ability" and after each use the MAX would become immobile for 1.5 seconds. Victims of a "Charge attack" would have their camera view shifted at a random angle (modest effect) to simulate the disorientation of being knocked aside. While charging forward, the NC MAX would have an very limited ability to turn.
    -NC MAX could reload from behind shield even if the reload wasn't started before activating the shield.

    TR MAX - Lock Down (Change name to 'Siege stance')

    -Instead of "locking Down", the TR MAX would go into "Siege Stance" and be able to move at half speed, but retain full weapons buffs.
    -Entering Siege Stance would take 2 seconds for weapons to reach full buff potential.
    -Exiting Siege Stance would take 3 seconds for the MAX user to regain (gradual gain) full speed.
    -If the MAX user exits Siege Stance while holding the 'run' key, the MAX would release a burst of hydraulic pressure capable of knocking back very close range grenades, C4, and even rockets. Exiting Siege Stance in this manner would cause the MAX to remain immobile for 2 seconds. Weapons could be fired immediately upon exiting SS. [The idea is to offer some protection from explosives while moving so slowly]
    -Weapons fired while in Siege Stance would have a different sound to indicate the 'buffed' state.

    -Siege Stance would no longer have any effect on the Burster weapons.

    VS MAX - ZOE

    -ZOE would emit a moderately loud sound effect while entering/exiting the powered up mode.
    -The ZOE user's Screen would slowly begin to distort if ability was left on for more than 30 seconds consecutively. The effect would start out minor and build to something that would be difficult to tolerate after 1 minute. At this point ZOE would need to be deactivated for 15 seconds to "cool down". ZOE could be activated early, but the effect would return more rapidly if the MAX had not fully cooled down.

    -ZOE would no longer have any effect on the Burster weapons.

    NS MAX Ability - Charge (current NS ability available to all factions in PS2)

    -The Charge ability would no longer be an all or nothing ability, but would instead be activated like ESF boosters. The MAX user could use half of their charge to enter a room and still retain the other half for a quick escape if things turned sour.

    [This would also prevent MAX units from having to run into walls/objects to stop themselves while 'Charge' is activated.]

    NS MAX Ability - Threat Detection (proposed new ability available to all factions)

    -MAX would be Night Vision equipped (on/off toggle)
    -MAX would have a low range proximity radar (similar to radar on the Lightning vehicle). Range would start at 20, but could be certed up to 50. Increased levels would also improve scan rate. [This ability would only help the MAX user and would not make enemies appear on ally radar.]
    -C4, Tank mines, Anti-personnel mines, grenades, and rockets within line of sight of the MAX would all be
    highlighted by a small red box.

    *All MAX units would be equipped with flood lights that could be toggled on/off*
    Personally, I feel that the range of all lights (vehicle or flashlight) are too short to be used to any real effect. I propose that the range of each player's lights be extended by at least 3x the current distance. All other player lights in the game would appear to remain the same, but each user's own light would have greater range.

    The reason for not changing all lights, is performance.


    I apologize for my poor structuring of this post, but this is the best I can do. I gave these ideas a lot of thought and wanted to get some feedback from my fellow PS2 players. Please feel free to add to these suggestions or simply explain why they would never work. Thanks!