Mattherson, Rejoice! The Enclave Has Quit!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LucMooncrest, Jun 20, 2013.

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  1. Bearcat

    They fled the battlefield! Do the NC and VS get XP for routing them?
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  2. Herby20

    My outfit has recaptured many bases that seem lost by pushing out of the spawn room, and we have had the same happen to us. Sounds like you guys just quit the moment the battle didn't go your way.
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  3. Cyridius

    Your OUTFIT. We are not discussing Outfits.
  4. DamageKing

    Very well. I'll be waiting to see what you will accomplish in days to come. And I will be sure to remind you of your "accomplishments". It will be extremely interesting to see how all this plays out, actually.
  5. TrenchDigger

    The TR will move on. There are several high quality outfits for TR on Mattherson. Most of us work together on a regular basis. It will be no different now. We survived on Soltech and we will survive without Buzz on Mattherson.

    I am glad that Buzz is leaving. When TE actually helped on taking territory or winning an alert it was great. The problem is TE rarely ever helped the TR. Buzz would throw up some stupid order to save a cutoff biolab and all his lemmings would just go feed the farm. Meanwhile NC and VS are just running around to take whatever they want. This was pretty much standard every night they are on.

    My personal experiences in the game with TE is pretty poor. Our outfit was part of ULTRA so we got to see the train wreck up close and personal. Despite what his lackeys say TE will not be missed by the TR on Mattherson. Just telling like it is.
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  6. Tycoh

    Time for 903rd, HoneyBadgers ,and AOD to pull rank and take the high top! :p

    But still doesn't change the fact that, oh i don't know, TR IS LOSING PLAYERS!!!! Matherson is going to become VS vs NC soon!
    Damnit SOE. Buff TR with cool ****! All the casuals are leaving TR for NC and VS! All we're left are the bloody persistent ones and free to play'ers that spent a crap ton of time on their TR avatar and are too stubborn to give all their work up.
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  7. Mohamad

    What I love about the Enclave is that every time we leave a video game we get a nice little topic about us regardless of what :)

    Lets be real, If it was not for the Enclave initiatives to engage the TR population on Matherson ULTRA would of never came to existence.
  8. KodiakX

    Always fun to see the haters come on out in force. You guys are like really funny to read some of your assumptions or crazy ideas of what it's like to be in TE.

    For anyone in TE the decision to leave PS2 is nothing shocking nor surprising. The entire outfit has been fairly sour on the PS2 experience for quite some time now for a variety of reasons. Honestly I expected us to leave a few game updates ago. Buzz kept things going as long as he could but hard to keep things going when most of your people are all down on the game. Only so much one can do to keep things fun when the game devs repeatedly and consistently keep delivering bad game balance, bad decisions, bad game focus and bad updates (bad bad bad bad...haha...).
  9. TrenchDigger

    don't forget about HNYB! We have been on Friday Night Ops and were just recently apart of the MLG scrimmage. :p
  10. TrenchDigger

    more TE mouth pieces
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  11. Krios Ahzek

    You were never MLG enough for this game, sorry.
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  12. Shuay

    Dragonball was released in 1986. I'm 33. I started reading the series in 1988. Oh, and Ginyu is Goku's villan. I don't understand why you guys didn't name your outfit Ginyu Force instead of GOKU, as it is apparent that you guys are obsessed over them.
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  13. NC_agent00kevin

    Agreed...this game runs like utter garbage. Not that I have the most advanced CPU out there, but it doesnt even break a sweat running any other game to date. PS2? Chugging along at 15-20fps.

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  14. Shuay

    Nobody likes your nonsensical, disinfo posts filled with hatred and jealousy. Stop wasting your time trying to make people hate TE or BuzzCutPsycho. I joined recently after watching all of his rage/name calling videos. Buzz treated everyone in TE with respect and gratitude, unless the individual is a natural born idiot unable to acknowledge their mistakes and move on.
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  15. KodiakX

    More useless Mattherson TR who somehow think that their situation is going to improve with the huge loss of players they're about to have. Your sheer and utter lack of sense of things will never get old.

    But you know, it was just Buzz who thought you were worthless and none of us ever had an opinion. Please, can I one of the remaining TR outfits that repeatedly couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag night after night after night...? :rolleyes:
  16. Markxxx

    I think Buzz had some good points about the quality of the game though.

    The game itself had so many heavy handed adjustments & changes, nerfs & buffs, makes you wonder it is still in Beta stage. I do felt like it is an unfinished product being pushed to the players. And we are now just beta testers. The items that people paid actual money to buy, can be nerfed or buffed so easily...

    It is like buying a new car then after a week the dealer called you "oh we will replace the engine with a new one" and next month "oh there is a major update on the transmission".... what would you think of the car?

    And yeah, there are fewer and fewer players on the map everyday. Seeing more players leave is just sad...
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  17. Krios Ahzek

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  18. Morticai

    Probably had nothing to do with the Hacker's name being 'Hairyballzforbuzz'.

    Yeah, that was his name. Know how I could tell? I was there, fighting the fire from the NC and the Vanu and the Enclave. They weren't all cuddly up there on scarred Mesa skydock, particularly whenever I or my squadmates inconvenienced them in any manner.
  19. DamageKing

    If there was no Buzz that hacker would name himself differently. Food for thought.
  20. Alex Taldren

    Yes, let us all "rejoice" at the loss of over 600 Planetside 2 players on Mattherson. Let the TR "rejoice" over losing around 100 players per night during prime time. We should all "rejoice" that there will be fewer players with hurt feelings night after night.

    When a game loses such a consistently active and large playerbase, nobody wins. That's a lot less money for SOE, far fewer players to fight against for the NC and VS, and less support for the TR. But hey, at least BCP won't be calling us names anymore--after all "no more hurt feelings" is a part of GU12 I hear, and trumps new continents, meta game, additional lattice, etc.
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