Mattherson down?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by VSDerp, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. ThePackage

    I severely hope not
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  2. VSDerp

    i did lol was a waste...a hour goes by so fast
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  3. koopa

    yeah, i cant shake the feeling this has something to do with the 30 minutes before be the server went down, on indar near the NC warp gate we were being pushed back by a somewhat significant number of invulnerable liberators and invulnerable reavers...
  4. Dmanered

    The timed boosts should be in game time. Time your AFK shouldn't count. It would make those boosts far more worth it IMO.
  5. VSDerp

    only 2 threaters woah bet its hard getting a ticket
  6. VSDerp

  7. xtoph

    More like the fact that the server started taking a dump made those aircraft seem invulnerable. In all seriousness, who ever tripped over the server power cable for Mattherson needs to plug that thing back in already it been about an hour now and Mattherson is the only one down.............. At least SOE could respond to these kind of issues instead of keeping them top secret.
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  8. aceofspudz

    Yes, when the server starts crashing things get weird. It probably wasn't an army of hackers.
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  9. Xizwhoa

    Oh no, everyone's a hacker... He was probably shooting at the ones inside the warpgate. I wouldn't be surprised in the least.
  10. SpazKaz

    I'm not so sure about it. I counted at least 2 liberators and 3 Reavers that took no damage for the duration of the fight over that area. Several other planes took damage, blew up, tanks died, people died, I died in my Max unit several times as well as others. But those few planes with the same 'pilots' were consistently invulnerable for at least an hour or more. One liberator even hovered over the point for awhile then flew around some more taking no damage the entire time.
  11. Centurin

    Just fyi, you're wrong, but thanks for playing. Although I agree that the only reason VS doesn't own evreything is mainly numbers since you have the best MBT, best weapons, and 2nd best ESF.
  12. Danyala

    Vanu? Best Weapsons? May want to check into that sweety.
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  13. Cyph3r

    I represent a sizable union that demands a scapegoat be found and fired for this terrible atrocity!
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  14. Shotgunjoe

    VS scientists divided by zero again , didn't they......
  15. Crazybarrel

    ETR :)
  16. max07rb

    It's like god himself does NOT want me to get my 1000 certifications so I can get a battle rifle. I'm at 991 I've been in the 900's for a week. Something always happens.
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  17. ImperialDynamix

    **** son, buy that gun with station cash and spend those certs where money cant help you...could use 900 certs about now lol
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  18. Bentos

    I was in an invulnerable liberator for a bit, VS.

    Sat over like 4 burster maxxes and and lol'd while my bomber just had a grand old time. No hacks or anything, just a hilarious server bug.

    Until my invulnerability faded, i started taking serious hits, made it out alive, but when i got out to repair my lib it locked me and my gunner out. **** happens?
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  19. VSDerp

    ya^ ill did the same but if he spent all that time getting them certs i would wanna buy the gun with certs so i can feel accomplishment lol
  20. Braken

    Don't waste those certs! The Battle Rifles suck!

    I'm being serious, too. They are horrible compared to almost all of the other infantry weapons.