Mattherson: Countless gameplay bugs (Possibly server related?)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Visk, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. Visk

    • Drop pods aren't deconstructing
    • Vehicles can't deconstruct
    • Destroying a vehicle gives you no experience, doesn't count as a kill, and also causes the vehicle disappear
    • Grenades aren't deconstructing
    • Vehicles can't be repaired
    • Getting shot down causes your vehicle to drop to 1% health, but can't explode
    • Vehicle Terminals can't be repaired
    Lots more... :/
  2. SpruceMoose

    watched a cloaked infiltrator shoot me
    took a base but the spawn room was never given to us
    bits of a reaver pushed me below the map

    not sure if this is a bug, but enemy engineer turrets placed on a landing pad will kill you if you use the jump pad connected to it
    that NC guy farmed so many kills......