Matherson TR has made me into a sore loser....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MasterCheef, Mar 4, 2014.

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  1. MasterCheef

    I swear, everytime i get on, it seems like we are being molliwopped. Normally i don't mind being the underdog, but sheesh! I like to win sometimes too.

    Is it me? Do i have bad timing, or is matherson TR really that bad? I just want to get on and feel like i'm winning for once.
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  2. deggy

    Having popped over to TR for a spell because being overpopped is boring, I dealt with this for a bit, too.

    The solution is to change your definition of victory. Maybe you can't save that Bio Lab from 90-10 odds. That's fine! Instead, set goals for yourself. "I'm going to kill that tank!" "I'm going to destroy that MAX!"

    It sounds like I'm just telling you to "Believe in yourself, maaan!" but it really helps. And sometimes if the goal you picked is important enough ("I'll get that generator back up!") you can actually save the base by accomplishing your objective, without even meaning to.
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  3. Ravenwolf Foxtrack

    Connery TR constantly have lower pop, but we still get some victories, and hell we even cap Indar sometimes from a WP that isn't the Northern WG. It may be timeing as that happens to me, TR be all winning then I get on as the downturn happens and we get WG'ed somewhere.
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  4. MasterCheef

    I just made an NC character, gosh i cant stand their music! I dont know if i can stomach playing for certs again. I have a fully equipped LA with TR. Also- it feels hollow playing with another faction just because my side sucked.

    eh, maybe i'll get over it with time. Either way, i think im going to take another break from this game, until the next continent arrives.
  5. PlatoonLeaderG

    I play always solo or with my friend as a 2 man team rather than joining the open platoons(an advice from a TR fellow member on Matherson DONT JOIN Open platoons,find a good outfit).Most times they dont know what to do,they will lead you to death and basically lack of strategy.

    Agree with deggy,on most situations you cannot win the Overpopulate faction but you can still have fun!
  6. MasterCheef

    Hmmm, is TR just not a popular faction? They have the best (basic) design, i thought they were going to be the main faction in this game. I'm surprised to see that its probably the least picked of the 3.
  7. MasterCheef

    That could be my problem too. Since Ive started playing again ive been going with public platoons. My old outfit isnt active anymore, the game has changed so much from when it first started.
  8. Utrooperx

    I get frustrated too...especially when I deploy to a base asking for reinforcements, run to the point killing every enemy I see...start to flip the point...and get nailed by that darn infiltrator haunting the point. Respawn and...the same 5-6 guys are still comfortably shooting out of the Spawn Room, watching the clock tick down...

    Or we re-secure the base and everybody runs off to the next one...leaving the "hiding" infiltrator to flip the point...which is never noticed until we fight our way to the next base's point...which we can't capture...because the base behind us is being taken over.

    I do love tower fights though...even if we are 80-20 out-popped...I'll grab a auto-shottie and say to myself..."OK, we may lose the base...but at least one of Them will die every time I die..."

    Makes "losing" so much more fun :)
  9. DemonicSpoon

    Personally, I find that one of the most satisfying things you can do is to hold back a zerg with smaller numbers, even if you eventually fail.
  10. AgentSpades

    Often times you guys bring it upon yourselves. At the bio lab alert yesterday, instead of defending one of your bio labs from the VS (one of the easiest places to defend in the game), you instead throw all of your weight into a 3 way with VS playing D on Indar. I don't even know what rationality you guys come up with on why you would throw all of your forces into a 3 way.

    You have not failed the TR, you have failed yourself.
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  11. VoidMagic

    I hope TR gets whatever it is they feel they need, while keeping the game balanced. Oddly, I find TR to be far more a challenge than NC overall ...but, I just hope that everyone has as much fun as I seem to have in this game... honest.

    At the end of the day thou... the good TR outfits are such bad @zz's... I wonder if this is just a leadership thing. /notsure

    You know... if enough people believe you CAN'T win... you can't.
    If enough people believe you WILL win, there's almost no stopping you.

    The more anyone whines, cries, complains and byatches... the less time
    they have for having fun.... If someone is determined to have fun, you
    can't stop them from having fun.

    just some things to think about...
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  12. ScrapyardBob

    Both the NC and TR on Mattherson seem to suffer from the same diseases when it comes to alerts:
    • Poor use of command chat (resulting in little to no coordination between platoons/outfits/squads).
    • Inter-outfit hostility.
    • Entire platoons not playing the alert objectives.
    • Lack of public squads that herd the pubbies, hold them to a standard (get on the waypoint, comms discipline, stick together) and get things done. (In other words, training the pubbies, which makes them better for the next alert.)
    Amusingly, even with TR's low population, they often end the alert holding more objectives then the NC do.
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  13. BoomBoom4You

    playing anything but VS on Mattherson lately isn't fun. In fact, playing VS probably isn't fun because all fights turn into spawn camping zerg fests. That server is in a bad state right now.

    And yes, lack of organization on behalf of both NC and TR is partly to blame. The NC outfits are woefully outclassed by VS outfits, it's not even funny or a legitimate competition at this point. I wish some of the VS outfits would go NC to make things more interesting, but I know that wont happen.

    Even someone like DA, which isn't a huge outfit, could make a big impact, but sadly I see them on when it's 50% VS pop. Granted, it's not their job to balance the server, they can do whatever they want, I'm just saying there are solutions that the players themselves can implement, but won't.
  14. sustainedfire

    It can be frustrating at times. It has been pretty consistent VS overpop for as long as I remember playing- which was when the game went live. Soltech to Mattherson, nothing changed.

    Though it is pretty funny how mediocre the VS are on Mattherson. A few outfits they have are decent, though the bulk of the population is fodder. When populations (almost) even out during prime time, its funny to watch the VS melt down into poo that just needs to be flushed down the toilet.
  15. BoomBoom4You

  16. Dis

    Making their weapons not sound like they're ejecting paper clips would be a good start.
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  17. Meeka

    While the Mattherson TR, on average, have the best fighters on Mattherson; there's really not enough TR to make a difference in large scale fights. In most confrontations, the NC and VS will out populate the TR in multiple locations by upwards of 40%. It's not a fight that the TR, as a whole, can win no matter how collaborated or how many resources the TR throw at any one battle.

    That said, to the TR credit, because of the harsh, hardcore nature of being a TR and almost always being out numbered and out-resourced; they have some of the toughest fighters because the TR is always fighting against overwhelming odds; and that makes you a much more efficient fighter.

    Yes, the VS win territories, etc, but they never win through straight kills unlike the TR. The VS win (almost) strictly by a numbers game alone; and it really shows when you encounter an equal number of VS and they scatter like cockroaches to the dark because on the average, 1v1, the VS cannot hold their own, with the only exception being a couple high profile outfits.

    And, to me, that is sad; because spamming spawn houses is really cheating the TR and the VS out of a game. There's not enough TR for the TR to pull regular wins, and there's too many VS for the VS to have something to shoot at besides a spawn house so neither side really gets a good gaming experience.

    The NC, however, while often out populating the TR, have had their share of experience being the under dog, so generally, the core NC players can hold their own in a fight.

    Essentially, the faction break down works like this:

    Play VS if you want to play an easy game, where you have fewer targets, but will be more likely to kill those targets and have a higher KDR because more people are shooting at your target. If you don't get it, one of the 10 guys next to you will, so you're unlikely to die as often but you will get occasional kills. Your weapons are uber easy to use, and they kill pretty fast. The no bullet drop on nearly all the weapons makes it really easy to score a higher number of head shots, etc. I generally find it boring to play VS because it's hard to kill something before someone else does; everyone is competing for a smaller number of targets and it's just not fun. This is why I'm leveling my VS character the slowest and the last.

    Play NC if you want a moderate game, where half the time your enemy matches your numbers, and half the time outnumbered. You'll get a little bit of both being overpopulated and underpopulated; the NC probably have the fairest gaming experience of all the factions. Your weapons hit hard, and while they might be a little harder to control sometimes, they make up for it in punch and power. I've been playing NC the most lately, because I feel it gives me the best gaming experience in Planetside 2.

    Play TR if you want to play hardcore. You will almost always be outnumbered, no matter what you do or where you go, you're usually facing overwhelming odds, so you have to play smarter and harder to survive. Your weapons are mediocre, so not only are you playing against the numbers, you're playing against the numbers with generally inferior weapons. But, nothing teaches you situational awareness and how to play strategically and against the odds like playing TR does.
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  18. lNeBl

    I haven't seen TR have over 25% pop in months on matherson. Whats sadder is that the NC actually loses worse than they do.
  19. Ender

    Umm pretty sure we jump to the underpop side quite a bit. When it's 50% and we're on VS it's generally to finish an alert that started with even numbers. If the numbers shift too terribly early on in the alert then we'll jump early, but if the NC and TR start logging off with 30 minutes we're probably not switching until its over. 50% population is not fun to play with, don't go around spreading lies that we don't attempt to help server balance just because your view is limited on when and where we play.
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  20. libbmaster

    I don't think Matherson TR are a metric for all TR just like Waterson VS are not representative of all VS. Pops and success rates vary from server to server across all factions, and the flavor of the month shifts often as well.

    Matherson TR just have... a lot of history behind that facerolling.
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