[Suggestion] Massive XP increase capping a base under certain conditions

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CronN, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. CronN

    So I was trying to defend Amarish today as the TR was advancing and pretty much captured 90% of the map. Then I checked Esamir.. 70% purple. I get annoyed by this but I understand 100% why this happens. If you try to do anything as NC or VS on a TR owned continent, you're screwed. You can't do anything against it as you are outnumbered 5 to 1 easily. For every missle I fire at a reaver, I get 5 back. There is no real XP gain on this continent so people go easy-mode doing the same on Esamir.

    Therefor I suggest an increase of XP for capturing a base. Every faction on the island should have around 33% of the map (1/3). The following formula could be applied:

    XP Gain = (capture xp * (Boost + premium))
    if influence < 30%
    XP Gain = XP Gain * (1 + (100 - own influence / 2) / 100)

    I Hope I wrote down everything correctly as it comes down to the following example:
    VS has 10%, that means that TR+NC have a 90% influence so the VS gets a 45% boost for capturing a point.
    NC has 15%, that means that VS+TR have a 85% influence so the NC gets a 42.5% boost for capturing a point.
    TR has 75%, that means that they the normal XP.

    With TR being high on population on this continent, they are lower on the other continents so that means that they have the XP boost somewhere else too. This way the population should be spreading out more.
  2. Opticalsnare

    You do realize that once a faction has capped the entire continent they mostly all move to another continent afterwords and begins capping more bases there, as there are no more points left to collect apart from boring whack a mole gameplay, the only remaining force left on the controlled continent are newbs or stackers.

    Once upon a time the NC controlled Amerish on Mallory for like 3 days solid and had the bulk of their Army there insted of being elsewhere and so any attempt to capture anything resulted in a ALOT of newbs turning up in NC aircraft and rocketpodded anything and recapped it.

    Then one night TR capped Indar and about 3/4 of the TR Army turned up on Amerish and just romper stomped the NC in a few hours capped the entire continent and left to find something else to cap.