Massive Lag on Mattherson

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by AgentBryan, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. AgentBryan

    I've been playing on Mattherson for about 5 months now, and although I'm in the UK, I've never had a problem with the connection. Today though, it's been laggy to the point I cannot play anymore. I am able to play fine on Miller, and I know my own internet connection is at it's usual speed. I was wondering if anyone else is having this problem, or if it is a known issue?
  2. halocow

    Any chance you are with

    having the same problem, with both east coast servers, rest are fine.
  3. AgentBryan

    Thats an interesting observation - I'm not with BE, but with o2, who I heard have switched to BE recently. I've started a new character on Miller, and was hoping Support would move my character over but wouldn't so I guess this is as good a time as any to get started on rebuilding my certs, peak time is at a much more appropriate time of the day anyway.
  4. halocow

    2 days of this now, other servers are fine, just mat and wat east coast server gone bonkkers
  5. Finestyle

    I just made a thread about packet loss to East Coast servers

    can you guys do a ping test to the east and west coast servers and see what you find?

    Mattherson:, Virginia
    Waterson:, Virginia

    Helios:, California
    Connery:, California

    BTW o2 have been using BE for a very long time, I've been a top package o2 customer for quite a few years now and as far back as I can remember, when I have done a speed test at my provider has always shown as "BE Un Limited"
  6. TSR-SeanF Customer Service

    I would like to collect a bit more information from you guys to see if there is a common trend among you. Can you please provide us with the following information?

    - Who is your ISP ?
    - Physical location (City, State, Country) ?
    - What is the make & model of your modem ?
    and router (if separate) ?
    - Type of connection (Wireless/Wired) ?
    - DSL, Cable or Fiber ?
    - Download and upload speeds (ping, dl, ul; can check this by going to ) ?
  7. Finestyle

    o2 (BE Un Limited)
    Manchester, UK
    o2 wireless box IV (made by Thompson)
    20mb down / 2mb up advertised - actual is around 13mb down / 1.2mb up .... even though I can see the exchange from my house... sigh :p

    please check out my thread as I give some more info there
  8. strongarm85

    Mattherson I got 127, 469, 127, and 80 from Conway Arkansas.
  9. TSR AlexS Customer Service

    Thanks guys, keep the numbers coming. We need as much info as possible.
  10. Finestyle

    I can PM you trace routes if you wish... As I mentioned in my thread I'm loosing anything up to 10% of packets in ping tests to the east coast servers.
  11. TSR AlexS Customer Service

    Fine, please do so, Sean and I will be looking over them.
  12. BFFB

    - Who is your ISP ? Be Broadband
    - Physical location (City, State, Country) ? Reading, UK
    - What is the make & model of your modem/router ? Thompson "BeBox"
    - Type of connection (Wireless/Wired) ? Wired
    - DSL, Cable or Fiber ? DSL
    - Download and upload speeds (ping, dl, ul; can check this by going to ) ? 10 down, 1.2 up

    I've also pinged the servers:
    - UK ~25 ms, no packet loss
    - US West (Connery) ~150 ms, no packet loss (Connery is playable and indistinguishable from Miller)
    - US East (Mattherson) > 250, >10% packet loss (All player agents warp around from dropped packets, anything that is tracked by the server fails to load for 10-20 seconds after logging in at the warpgate which includes console displays and shields. Also random deaths from being in a "restricted area".). Was also repeatedly getting a "G37" error which I assume was related.

    Recently as last weekend I was getting better pings than US West on US East and no packet loss. Completely stable connection with no visible "warping" of players/vehicles.
  13. Dendrophilia

    I'm getting a similar issue that you're getting its a pain in the backside anyway my thingy ma bobs are
    02 (BE Un Limited)
    Manchester/Preston, UK
    02 wireless box
    36 MS - 4 MB Download - 1 MB Upload
  14. AgentBryan

    Already starting to see the trend lol...
    02 (BE Un Limited)
    Glasgow, UK
    02 wireless box II
    Ping for a Server located in Edinburgh (Scotland): 52ms, 2MB Download, 0.95MB Upload
    Ping for a server located in Richmond (VA, USA): 124ms, 1.74MB Download, 0.75MB Upload

    Bit of a drop for the American ping test, but not enough to be causing me to lag, and as I said, been fine for 5 months before yesterday.

    Ah right, my mistake, it was actually BSkyB that's just bought o2 over, have always been BE as well.
  15. halocow

    AH crap i noticing a pattern too, but why the server i play on!, dam you o2/be/sky. who ever you are these days.

    (BE Un Limited) / o2/sky
    london UK
    speedtouch 760 made by Thompson
    1mb down / 1mb up

    Tracing route to []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 38 ms 99 ms 99 ms
    2 * * * Request timed out.
    3 * 16 ms 17 ms
    4 17 ms 29 ms 20 ms []
    5 162 ms 158 ms 166 ms []
    6 161 ms 158 ms 154 ms []
    7 227 ms 226 ms 226 ms []
    8 226 ms 226 ms 226 ms []
    Mattherson (US East):
    Trace complete.
  16. halocow

  17. AgentBryan

    I just logged on to Miller, and am getting the lag there too now... what's going on?
  18. TSR-SeanF Customer Service

    Thank you guys for providing us with your connection information. I wanted to update you to let you know that we are continuing to look into this issue. I will update you as soon as I receive any additional information.
  19. halocow

    BTW guys of O2 and Bethere can you open tickets at your isp, website and tell them i have made a ticket.
  20. AgentBryan

    I'm gonna hold off going to o2 until I hear back from SOE, don't want to be running about the internet when it could just be one thing :p