March 13th Flash tuning - imperceivable changes you say...?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Phukkitt, Mar 14, 2014.

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  1. Phukkitt

    So, the March 13th patch says this in the notes:

    "Laid some groundwork for future Flash tuning improvements. These changes should be imperceivable in this update."

    Well, I do think that the Flash feels like it handles more slippery now and is more prone to oversteer, but this is just ridiculous:

    Even though I can't help but wonder how the hell you managed to mess this up, and how it managed to get past QA (oh, right, you don't have QA) it is still a ridiculous amount of fun!

    Everyone and their grandma should go play around with this until it gets fixed! :D

    (it can be quite annoying when it happens in a more serious situation though, so please fix soon)
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  2. doombro


    Don't tell them. Let it stay awesome. Praise be to the flash.
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  3. kadney

    Someone gotta pull off some awesome stunt video with this "feature". :D
  4. Ravenorth

    Flash handling wasn't that much of an issue before, when it used to roll back on its wheels when you managed to flip it, but after some physics "tuning" a long time ago, it just started sliding like a soap...

    They just should had never made that "tuning" and so many inevitable suicides would had never happened.
  5. AltF4Fun

    yes,finally we can keep up with flying magriders.wohoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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