[Suggestion] Maps available in prime time

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by moriarrr-ceres, Feb 5, 2015.

  1. moriarrr-ceres

    Right now we have only 2 map in primetime and for a lot of us all battle is just a complete mess, lagfest, unplayable.
    With the current server state i think a 3rd map opened could have some positives:
    -game playable for more people
    -less lag/more fps for everyone
    -more different battles
    -more possible squad gameplay
    I have fun in this game when my friends can at least play
    public platoons are less interesting than play with friends it's near impossible to have 48 people in a teamspeak, or all online the same day.
    Play with friends and be able to achieve something even capping a small outpost is way more fun than spawn camping bases in a 96+.
  2. Tommyp2006

    This is something that is supposed to happen automatically after the server population breaks a certain threshold, as well as changing due to alerts.