[Suggestion] Mandatory tutorial about tactical positioning and common sense.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TammelTR, Nov 30, 2014.

  1. TammelTR

    Of the many things that irritate me about ps2 I think the most infuriating one is the idiocy and lack of common sense of the general player base. I'm sure many of you have been in this scenario: Your squad is defending a point, you have turrets set up and are positioned to cover points of entrance. Now queue the endless wave of your faction mates who will stand in front of your turret, pay no regard to drawing the enemy into a choke point, will sit in a doorway and get farmed, but because the medics are rewarded for reviving him, he continues to play like a fool. Except it's not just one player it's at least a two thirds majority, and despite using proximity voice chat, or region text chat, people seem to pay no attention to the use of tactics. So now when the enemy makes a push, the players with the foresight to set up a proper defense are hamstrung because they are forced to either fire on friendlies or not fire at all. Even when choosing to fire through these morons they still act as a meat shield for the enemy.

    My most recent example was one in which I was a locked down pounder max melting a deployed sunderer. I was on the roof of a spawn room and firing nonstop. Three friendlies one after the other stepped in my line of fire trying to pot shot infantry. I gunned them down and killed the sunderer. BUT WHY DID THEY DO THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE?!

    So I propose a tutorial that cannot be skipped that helps teach players about logical firing positions, shows them how/where to stand in orientation to their allies and their surroundings to be effective and not get in the way. It would take less than five minutes, require the player to stand in a certain position, and aim to cover certain points, etc. Just to emphasize positioning and spacial awareness.

    A little could go a long way in this area and the result is a better experience for everyone involved.
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  2. FateJH

    If you can't stand behind our turrets, feel free to stand in front of them.

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  3. Dieter Perras

    While trying to auraxium the T7-MCG I lost track of the amount of TKs I accumulated from players running in front of me while I was hosing down a hostile. Not just low BR players either! I even had instances of BR100s trying to stand in front of me! Like seriously guys? It's not like the chain guns subtle or something!
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  4. MotionBlured

    Can't teach common sense.
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  5. Jaquio

    It's what happens when there's no player collision. When you take away a player's innate sense of physicality in the world, they start to act like other players aren't there.
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  6. TammelTR

    That's a good point, I would like to see player collision implemented.
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  7. MotionBlured

    NO! That would be horrible! Don't ever say that again!
  8. Siilk

    A: If you are constantly finding friendlies standing in your LoS, your positioning is as wrong as theirs if not more so. Learn how to pick a better spots for that heavy gun of yours. It might actually be you who blocks others from doing something useful for the team with that bulky turret or anchored-down MAX.
    B: It's hard to pay attention to everything when one of those 96v96 is roaring around you. Some friendlies will wander or will be forced into your LoS regardless of how good your positioning is. And some people just don't care about being TK because of getting in your LoS. They have fun just by fooling around and there's nothing you can do about it.

    Next time when you're in the situation like you described in the OP, think of A first and re-evaluate your positioning and usefulness of what you are doing. And of course, remember B and try exercise a better trigger discipline when gunning with multiple friendlies around. You're not always right just because your gun is bigger.
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  9. TammelTR

    You are infinitely incorrect. The wrong positioning is the one without any tactical consideration that causes meaningless deaths, not the one that halts the enemy forces in their tracks and preserves a capture point for your empire. Every single word you wrote is irrelevant.
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  10. TammelTR

    It wouldn't work currently, but I could see it being a nice thing given a few changes to bases.
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  11. MotionBlured

    Mowing down friendlies because YOU lack trigger control and poor positioning is doing everything but help your empire.
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  12. Tuco

    Why not, with friendly fire on it's not a problem.
  13. Kubin

    Well, actually there is a collision but not amongst friendlies. You could actually collide with an enemy but it's where Clientside shines - if your enemy was pressing "strafe" while you ran at him, you'd pass him like a ghost. This connected with a fact that you crowd up with your allies WAY more than with your enemies would make the situation even worse.

    And I'm even thinking about how would it affect performance.
  14. TammelTR

    Wow, near 300 hours of play time and I was not even aware that there was collision with enemy footmen, I've encountered infiltrators and LAs seemingly run straight through me on a regular basis.
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  15. Kheibrn

    Try and teach common sense? HAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAAHAHAHA!!!! Good luck with that Sir.
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  16. TammelTR

    I lack neither, however all those fools who gather at a door to try to play peek-a-boo in the hopes of getting off a lucky shot while they expose themselves to every enemy in the vicinity are going to eat a grenade and a few rounds from my MCG or MAX when the enemy starts their push. If they had listened to the few sane souls in proximity chat then they would have taken up better positioning and actually gotten some kills.
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  17. TammelTR

    A sentiment which ensures continued frustration. If the game cultivates a culture that is more tactically inclined and less chaotic arena shooter, it can be done. People need direction.
  18. Kheibrn

    I even wished you good luck. look at my post :D
  19. Siilk

    You wouldn't get far with a self-righteous attitude like that. Have you even considered that you might not be only single person who thinks he knows what's best in any given combat situation?

    Again, if you constantly finding yourself being blocked by friendlies, your positioning and/or tactic choice is not stellar. To be more precise, you're trying to use suppressive fire in a situation where the battlefield is already oversaturated with friendly forces. Which is highly inadvisable, just like throwing the 'nades into a room full of both friendlies and enemies alike. It might seem effective as it kills a lot of enemies but in reality it isn't as friendly fire will cause as much harm to your own team if not more.

    Try re-reading my post again and thinking a bit more about what I've said, instead of being knee-jerk defensive.
  20. TammelTR

    Again, if more people had the slightest grasp of tactics and positioning they wouldn't be surrendering initiative to the enemy by standing exposed in a door or around a corner. If they had two brain cells to rub together they would not insist on parking themselves right in front of a locked down max or turret which was there prior to their happy ***. I've run with tight squads, I know good tactics and positioning, I know that 12 organized players with good communication can hold off twice that. It's a sad state of affairs however when even with a population advantage we lose territory because people have no concept of how to set up an effective point defense. It's not rocket science, and most people would probably enjoy a tutorial that explained the basics. It would help them be better, and everyone who plays wants to do well. So what possible issue could you have with that? Oh, that's right you made no mention of that and instead proceeded to be patronizing which brings us to...

    You! And your initial post, it was nothing but irrelevant condescension. You make the assumption that I must not know what I am doing and it is I who is in the way then proceed to patronize me and other readers by coming out with "You're not always right just because your gun is bigger." like a badly done public service announcement. The question is why? Ultimately it comes down to ego I guess, it makes you feel good to call into question another individuals abilities particularly in an area they voice concern over, of course it's all couched in this pseudo-wise diction, but it doesn't take much to see that it is dripping with condescension.

    Even your most recent reply: "Try re-reading my post again and thinking a bit more about what I've said, instead of being knee-jerk defensive" As though I am incapable of understanding what you said, and need to consider it more... please.

    So once again... every word you have written in this thread is irrelevant.