Mana Turrets at Infantry Landing Pads - Instant Kill

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Disciple002, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. Disciple002

    I seriously recommend engineers are not allowed to place mana turrets on the Infantry Landing Pads. When the infantry fly off the jump pads they should expect proximity mines, c-4, perhaps even tank mines waiting to be shot, not some cheap mana turret placement.

    This is especially bad when the only way for ground troops to reach the facility is by way of the jump pad (i.e. Scarred Mesa Skydock, Indar).
  2. RomulusX

    you can move left/right in the air...however only a matter of time before multiple turrets are used to cutoff all the landing pads and forcing only LAs to take the jumppads...
  3. footjam

    You can control yourself in midair by pressing left or right and avoid the pad completely.
  4. NoctD

    Yes this is the new thing these days. Although my first death was actually at The Bastion... I landed my Mosquito on one of the towers, repaired turrets, and wanted to jump back from the opposite tower. It took me right into my Mossy and that was the end of me. :oops:

    Making turrets not deployable on that particular square people land on seems reasonable. But someone could still drive a Flash on it, etc... not sure how they're going to deal with that.