Man vs Hacks

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jaloro, Mar 10, 2013.

  1. Jaloro

    In the eternal battle that is man vs hacker, I am proud to report man won.

    Kudos to BCP for the funniest response to the idiots trolling streamers at the minute.
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  2. Hashi

    Hackers need to know to go for the engies first. THEN the MAX.
  3. InfraRedPS

    How about being trolled by hackers for 7 hours like Kudochop was...
  4. Gaarthar

    pfft , that'd be too easy!
    they re not looking for easy ways , are they?
    nope , not in the slightest..
  5. Urban Cohort

    "I'm fighting a raid boss." Awesome description for the guy...
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  6. StormStrafe

    Hahaha, I love this video. Thanks for making a thread for it, OP. :D
  7. siddar

    I liked the one with the super speed flying TR max better.

    Hackers have gone full ****** it seems not even trying to hide it anymore.

    If GM's would just equip a faction max suit make themselves Invulnerable and then take stroll through a enemy faction bio lab they would catch dozens of cheaters. The aimbotter simply cant resist trying to kill max's because there the only thing that can kill them most times.

    Just keep track who is landing 100% headshots 30 to 100 times in a row on your stroll and you will have a decent sized list of people to investigate.
  8. IMTasty

    Love it, it's a game within the game, I am fighting the raid boss.
  9. Deth

    That was some crazy s**t... Damn lol
  10. fastdak255

  11. Jaloro

    You seem to be thinking that hackers are blessed with intelligence and are somewhat good at the game. If that were the case they wouldn't need to cheat :)
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  12. OddChelsea

    This made me sad because I hate seeing hackers such as this in a game that I love. However it also made me smile because I also love seeing hackers get owned.
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  13. Hempknight79

    3:20 ish into vid. Just watch from there. Be warned though dont drink anythinbg or have anything in your mouth!
  14. Nickers

    Posting in an epic thread,
    It clearly shows how pointless and stupid hacking is in this game. Well done to the OP!