[Suggestion] Make the Betties/prox mines more unique

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ballto21, Sep 15, 2015.

  1. Ballto21

    I've begrudgingly accepted claymores are overpowered, but i dont have to accept that prox mines and betties are carbon copies and claymores are the only ones unique.

    So, in the effort of making them more unique and faction specific, and also maybe bringing them more on par with claymores in utility instead of lethality at the same time.

    Betties: NCs hard hitting troglodytic methods. My suggestion here is, up its blast radius. Not the max damage radius, but it would do more minimum damage further out. As an added, it will also cause a concussion grenade effect in its radius. As with normal grenading the further from the center you are the less you are affected.

    Prox mines: Remember the plasma grenade from planetside one? The one that lashed out at people that got near it for a certain amount of time? Give us that on the prox mine. Or, keep it as is but toss in a nerfed emp that instead of lowering shields it only drains class abilities in the same radius.

    Even if these are dumb ideas im sure there is one thing we can all agree on.

    • Up x 1
  2. SwornJupiter

    I reckon we should have certable non-lethal mines.
    You know, mines that cause concussion, emp and flashbang effects to all players in the vicinity when triggered. These things are seriously underrated and I would appreciate if they saw more light of day.
  3. Lemposs

    I am still a proposer to just entirely remove mines from the game, the perfect balancing.
  4. Ballto21

    Even i think thats a bad idea.

    I mean sure i guess we could remove esfs, libs, heavies, maxes, harassers, tanks, etc.

    perfect balance
  5. SwornJupiter

  6. FateJH

    Roll back the PU2 changes to the Bouncing Betty and the Proximity Mine inner radius damage. You might be thinking "a December 2013 change?" but, the Oracle of Death is very specific about what the PU2 change did for the NC and VS mines. (Uniques equalized after PU2, with NC and VS mines dropping to TR mine levels. Unfortunately, the Oracle does not have Playtime statistics for the mines going any further back than the Implant update in May 2014.)
  7. Movoza

    I think the NC should either have a larger radius and slightly shorter reaction time, or tye added concussion effect, or damage according to hitbox. The last because it jumps up just before exploding. This to balance the fact that sometimes people walking up stairs and triggering it aren't hit, as they are below the blast. If they are hit by the blast, the mine could gain a HS or a leg shot and do damage accordingly.

    The lesser EMP is fine in my eyes. It could even disrupt the HUD here and there.

    TR will have it's quick kill machine on everyone that hasn't got max flak armour
  8. Movoza

    Problems with the server caused double post :(
  9. Lemposs

    Well, it is more of a selfish request, I am tired of mines :p
  10. Jubikus

    Tho i can agree to remove the lights from the mines or at least dim them down to claymore levels. The thing about the mines is that Claymores have always been fine they have always just been what they were supposed to be they were the trap that slows enemy advance to a point. The current state of the BB and PM is a result of their advantage their blast radius being abused by the player base the BB and PM were not used as traps but as suicide Frisbees the common tactic would be use infil cloak rush into groups of enemys and toss both your mines before dieng and because of their blast radius they would simply kill way too many people. Basically the way things were the BB and PM were much more versitile and lethal because of how they functioned and so they were toned down and because the Claymore simply was only being used the way it was supposed to it ended up just staying the same keeping its lethality and ending up being just a bit better on this side of things.

    Now i would like the BB and PM to be changed up a bit they are too similar and their lights way too bright honestly if you just removed the lights they would be pretty balanced as the trade off between the claymore and BB/PM would be BB/PM trade lethality for blast radius and ease of placement as their profile would make them harder to spot and allow them to be placed in more places and then the claymore would well remain the claymore.
  11. Celeris

    Remove the lights, shorten claymores activation/blast distance, done.