[Suggestion] Make Light PPA use Flak damage type for explosion

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Colinljx, Dec 16, 2021.

  1. Colinljx

    Maybe the devs don't read this forum, but the idea randomly popped up last night and I decided to post it here anyway. To put it simply: have Lppa use flak damage for its indirect (not the bullets themselves) damage.

    As we know, the Anti-infantry nose-gun balance for ESF currently goes like this Banshee>Airhammer>Lppa with Banshee being the fastest in killing infantry with great range and velocity that Airhammer and Lppa can't compete with. Since some may argue that the Airhammer is fine as a sky-shotgun, I won't be proposing anything about it for now. Lppa, on the other hand, is pretty much a straight downgrade compared to Banshee. However, by changing just the damage/resistance type of Lppa's explosive splash, and nothing else, it could become somewhat competitive to Banshee without tremendous development time in balancing.

    Basically, after the proposed change, Lppa would still be the least effective Anti-infantry nosegun of all three, as it performs exactly the same as before with the same slow velocity, but it will at least suck less against planes (at least when it hits), and we will have one less thing that VS mains can cry about here or on reddit (the official forum) hopefully.

    By the way, while I am also open to making Lppa bullets slightly faster, I feel like having an odd gimmick like flak damage is more in line with the faction trait of VS.
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  2. Scroffel5

    Or we can nerf the Banshee.
  3. brutes359

    yes, this is totally what we need...A buff to the fully automatic rocket launcher that already farms that crap out of infantry. no thanks. Here's an idea, why don't we rebuff the range and damage of lock on launchers so they can actually fight BACK against ESFs? Oh right, that would make them actually compete with C-4 and encourage actual HA vehicle hunter teams and maybe allow them to compete with LAs for AV capabilities, and we just cant have that...
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  4. Colinljx

    We can do both.

    I fully support buffing both G2A and A2A lock-ons, but after 9 years of nerfs we have to face the fact that the devs just don't want skyfarmers to be harmed...
  5. Scroffel5

    What if the devs are actually really really smart and just want to lull the sky farmers into a sense of false security and let them farm us at most every battle so that we can be especially happy when the faction works together and actually locks on to the same guy at the same time so that we insta-gib them and feel really good?

    Haha nahhhhhhhhhh
  6. Colinljx

    The arguments the skyfarmers use against insta-gib lock-ons have always been that it's too "unfair" because they are free, but ESF is now also essentially free with construction terminals... If it's possible to have a C4 lock-on that can kill an ESF for say 150 nanites or more per missile, I think most players would love to have it.
  7. RabidIBM

    The free stuff from construction is it's own issue separate from the balance of what is being produced. I'm a builder main and I've been calling OP on free vehicles and aircraft for some time now.

    These things were also created before discount modules or ASP discounts. Now only noobs pay retail for their ESFs, MBTs etc. Everyone gets 50% off whatever they are regular with.
  8. Colinljx

    Yup, I pretty much never pay nanite for ESFs nowadays, and nanites are almost always full even when I do gal/lib/mbt runs.
  9. AnysLekarstveni

    maybe just need to nerf banshee and AH? Only ppa shows bad results