[Suggestion] Make Heavy Assault the default class.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AbrohanLincoln, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. AbrohanLincoln

    When you examine the abilities and the roles of all the classes, it makes sense that Heavy Assault ought to be the largest portion of your side's infantry composition. In comparison, Light Assault looks completely silly as the default. Heavy Assault is the most versatile class for fighting. Heavy Assaults are the only class with all the tools for killing every threat in the game. In contrast, Light Assault cannot harm vehicles without C4 (and that is highly unreliable) and trade durability for the ability to fly. The ability to fly is a situational tool that is not immediately relevant to winning fights.

    A successful infantry force has a strong core of Heavy Assaults. Too few Heavies and the force doesn't have enough durability or threat against tanks. Medics and Engineers should be the next most common classes in a force composition. Medics are formidable infantry fighters but their greatest merit is that they multiply the effectiveness of their teammates with their healing and reviving. Engineers provide unique tools for holding positions, providing ammunition, and setting up defenses.

    Light assaults, in contrast to the three most versatile classes just have a few tricks up their sleeves. Yeah, I know you're totally good at light assault and you have a leet K/D, but none of that matters. You can win the small tactical fights all fine, but Light Assault don't help their teammates and they don't provide the raw brutality required to win fights in the large.

    And that's why Heavy Assault should be the default over Light Assault.

    Because I forget to switch when I die in my MAX.

    P.S. There are about 10x more infiltrators than are ever useful and they're always bad.
  2. TheBloodEagle

    Long rant about nothing. You can change to whatever class you want quick as hell. Even after you die as MAX. Just use the console again. BIG DEAL.
  3. Gavyne

    People are gonna play whatever they want to play. Starting new players in light assault is fine, jump packs are cool, it's one of the highlight to this game that you don't find in many other FPS games. Honestly most people die right away and get to choose a class right after anyway lol.
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  4. Mocam

    It "seems" logical but it isn't.

    When you drop from a pod/deploy, when you need to get somewhere that would take a long time to go AROUND because you were on the wrong side of a hill or the like when you dropped or when you end up dropping on the top of a structure -- that jetpack will get you out of such a situation where hoofing it won't.

    As for infiltrators - yeah a lot of folks go that route so they don't die. That fear of getting shot gets players far more deaths than if they fought but that's just how people are -- "leaderboard!!! OH NO, I GOT SHOT!" /suicide is handy but few think about it to get out of a no win situation so they feed enemies mass kills - especially air and tanks.
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