[Suggestion] Make Gate Shield Diffuser a Engineer ability, as a way to counter the "spawn warrior".

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gustavo M, Jan 28, 2016.

  1. Gustavo M

    The only "protection" a player is supposed to have in this game is of another player behind his back.
    Thus, MAX crashes can still happen outside of a spawn room. It's all a matter of organization and timing.
  2. Jubikus

    No the only protection YOU THINK a player should have is another player behind his back and if you ever played NC for 10 minutes you would know how much of a disaster that would be.

    Look im going to be blunt your idea is even worse than the usual one of just not letting people shoot out of the spawn room and even that is shot down because they both promote spawn camping which in a game that can get zergs is a huge issue . Your idea looks like its stems from you being a zergling and you just want someone to shoot at because your bored.
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  3. Gustavo M

    ...that was fast. All right.
  4. Moridin6


    i Promise you id be rushing biolab teleport rooms all day, busting through, 3 tank mines and a sticky nade killing evreyone attempting to take/defend the lab, and i would love it.

    and everyone else would suffer the fight would vanish as people, RIghtly so, said F tht and went elsewhere. it would be fun for a little but in the end seriously detrimental to the game. i mean jebus people cry about c4 daily now, imagine the tears
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  5. Carl1879

    Awful, awful idea, not sure what its like on PC but on PS4 there is a nice little bug where you spawn in a spawn tube and you cant move or shoot but can still take damage for a few seconds this is annoying if there is a TKing ****** about now imagine being able to see but do nothing as an engineer sitting behind his turret guns you down.

    In large battles it would turn to countless engineers sitting in the spawn room killing people as they spawned meaning no one would bother attempting to defend the base, and can you imagine how many engineers would use this to go sit at a base behind enemy lines just sat staring at a spawn tube in the hope someone spawns there for a free kill.
  6. Mefi

    Does anyone remember CBT?

    Does anyone want this back?
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  7. Demigan

    This again?
    When will people realize that Spawn warriors are a result of spawn camping?
    Hint: This is (hopefully) why you got downvoted on reddit.
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  8. orangejedi829

    Even with a saferoom with invincible shields you can shoot out of, the spawncamping in this game is extreme.

    I don't understand people like the OP, who want to make spawncamping even more enticing.
  9. Liewec123

    hey look i can change quotes too!
    as others have said, stop zergball spawncamping and there will be no "spawn warriors" as you call them.

    frankly i find it hilarious that you're asking for a way for zergballs to farm people inside the spawn room. :p
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  10. Poppington

    This would actually encourage spawn warriors, because then more people would get in their line of sight in order to try to get into the wasp's nest of a spawn room. Most would die in the process, and even if the spawn warrior dies, they likely would gain more kills in the process than the fool who came running in.

    Sorry, but it's simply not a good idea - especially when we're strapped for development hours as is.