[BUG] Major - Certain certs no longer work

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KorJax, May 2, 2013.

  1. KorJax

    I've noticed the following certs (which previously worked) no longer do anything as of GU8

    1. Grenade Bandolier 1. supposed to increase grenade count by 1, for a total of 2 grenades. Currently, does nothing. At least for EMP grenades on my infiltrator.

    2. Scythe Auto Repair 4. Supposed to auto-repair the scythe after 10 or so seconds from not taking damage. Currently doesn't work at all - the repair never starts as if I never had the cert equipped.

    Post here if you guys notice any other certs that no longer seem to do anything.
  2. Aegie

    You may want to double check they are equipped properly in the loadout- I know a lot of times these updates come with things that end up resetting the loadout back to vanilla. This was happening a lot to my vehicle loadouts for a couple of weeks a little while ago.

    If it is not that then that sucks and it is good you found it.
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  3. Xind

    Extended magazine for the Tr Uppercut is bugged for me. It's certed but I can't access it or equip it anywhere.
  4. SpcFarlen

    Resist shield is not able to be unengaged, once engaged it stays on for duration.
  5. Xind

    As much as this is a bug, I feel like that would encourage people to use Adrenaline or NMG more. As it is, I believe most HA use Resist shield, which either says it's way too much better than the other two, or the other two are just not good enough.
  6. SpcFarlen

    Unless you used Resist Shield before taking damage the NMG and Adrenaline, same as NMG just a different recharge mechanic thrown in, were statistically better since they gave a fixed over shield amount if you had already taken damage. If your shields or health were at all damaged the benefits of Resist Shield diminish. So NMG is more of an "oh ****" button and Resist is a "**** is about to happen" button.

    But this bug will just make Resist utterly useless because for ~10 seconds you crawl, and are lit up like a Christmas tree. For once i was happy to get Resist shield fixed, till i logged on this morning to an alt account and found myself crawling in the middle of an amp station...
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  7. Xind

    The movement speed penalty, I spaced that, good point.

    I just wish NMG didn't deteriorate so fiercely without any damage being inflicted on it, it already takes a long time to recharge.
  8. KorJax

    I checked. It was properly in all of my loadouts and equipped to both the scythe and my infiltrator and neither would still work. Respawning didn't fix it either, it seems either the certs themselves or the slots on those suits are broken.
  9. Rohxer

    Well, the Vehicle Stealth certs (Levels 2-4 that increase lock-on time) don't work. At all. But this started before GU08, if they even ever worked at all. See here for video proof:

  10. SpcFarlen

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  11. KorJax

    The thing is though, I never touched scythe loadouts at all in VR or even spawned one, so why that would be bugged is beyond me.

    Especially since the VR bug appears to be that it just resets your loadouts. But what I'm experiencing isn't that at all. My loadouts remain - but things like my Grenade Bandolier or Auto Repair simply no longer work, depsite being equipped (and there's no way to unequip/reequip it if the slot itself is bugged and thinks there isn't anything there).
  12. SpcFarlen

    The bandolier and Autorepair seem to be bugged on their own. But i believe no matter what, entering VR training resets all loudouts because when you first go to the console, everything is defaulted.
  13. WalrusJones

    Fire suppression no longer works on any vehicle I have it for.
  14. St0mpy

    First time I had the VR bug I had to unequip, deploy blank then re equip certain slots before they would work again

    Second time I gave up and made a same faction VR alt with an extra slot, much better idea ... no loadout bugs, no outfits/friends to interrupt testing, logs straight into VR since it never leaves it, and any hours testing gos against that soldier and not watering down my spm/hours played if I hang out a while or go afk while minimised.
  15. Scatterblak