Magrider Proximity Radar is broken

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Bernardes, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. Bernardes


    I'd like to report the proximity radar for magrider (VS empire) is broken in Planet Side 2.
    I bought the radar yesterday and it do not spot anything, nor the visible spinning radar on the vehicle can be seeing.

    Please fix it.

  2. Hydragarium

    Obvious question - you DID equip it on your loadout (and spawn the tank using that loadout) right?
  3. Bernardes

    Yes, for sure. I equiped all my loadouts with it but it did not worked.

    Tried after rebooting the game, computer and in another day, but the proximity radar really do not work for magrider.

    Does it work for you? If so, how it behaves? Do you see the spinning radar on the vehicle?
  4. Hydragarium

    Just making sure - it happens to all of us now and then. I can't count the number of times I forgot to re-quip the spawn AMS on my sunderer. :rolleyes:

    Couldn't tell you - For one I'm NC. Secondly I spend most of my time in a reaver or as a MAX. Don't think I've driven a tank of any kind for more than an hour in total since beta started. :oops:
  5. crissHill

    I also bought level 3 proximity radar for my prowler, equipped it (double checked to see that the little radar was spinning at the rear) and drove to an enemy spawn building right next to a wall.

    Nothing showed on radar even though the enemy room was full. It is not working. please fix it