Magrider needs a pitch buff on it's main cannon...(pictures inside)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by treeHamster, Jun 3, 2013.

  1. Holomang

    Magrider is laughably easy to maneuver. Then again given your difficulty avoiding tank-based AA in a scythe (lol) I'm not surprised you have trouble with the Magrider as well.
  2. GhostAvatar

    Yes it is negated by the faster projectiles, that was the whole point of them being buffed in the first place. As for faster vehicles, thats what the second gunner is for.

    Yet it does counteract every imbalance in tank vs tank combat, that is reflected in the data. As for the rest, that is debatable, depending on what you see the role of a MBT to be. And actually the Vanguard is supposed to be the long range pounder, Maggie is for mid range and Prowler is supposed to be CQC. And you think your faction ability is bad, what about the Prowler who is supposed to be a CQC tank AND the fastest on the field. Yet its ability is to act like a sitting duck, hardly an intuitive ability for such a tank. But I am with you on the design choices of the devs, they don't meld together. It just feels like they came up with a load of random ideas and mixed them up. They really do need to look at what role each tank is supposed to play, instead of trying to make them multirole tools for every noob to be able to play. But seriously, do not underestimate the power of mobility.

    Because when they did the balance pass they looked at MBT vs MBT as the primary data point. Maybe they do need another balance pass considering the advent of the Harasser. On a side note, NS vehicles and weapons (like the Lightning) are purposely designed to be a poorer then faction specific variants.

    If they did implement that quality of life fix, then I doubt it would be much more than a simple up down. Even if it was just up or down fix only, then I would agree that both tanks would need some kind of nerf.
  3. MasterTater

    HAha - yea - good trolling dude - the massively increased bullet velocity of the Prowler / Vanguard completely sets the strafing off - cause you can not dodge a high velocity bullet - neither from Vandguard and especially not from a prowler - except they are 1000 meters away and at those distrances you evade enemy tank shells with Vanduard and prowler also by driving forward and backward.

    The magriders shots do dip a lot more than the other two tanks. Every time someone complains about how VS doesn't have bullet drop I roll my eyes. On the other hand I think all the tanks are balanced. You trade an easier time moving while shooting in a magrider for the ability to look around your tank and elevation. You just need to get use to the way it plays. Since the magrider can drive across different terrains easier than any other tank you have to use hills to raise your cannon higher. And the slow shots and higher arc just means you have to lead and compensate your targets more. Since i'm so use to the way the magrider shoots its actually easier for me than the other two tanks. When im in a vangaurd its like.. oh.. the shots actually go where the crosshair is at.. wow this is tough when it shouldn't be lol.
  5. NDroid

    You cited the Magrider's mobility advantage as the reason why it has lower elevation and projectile velocity yet you admit that the same advantage is negated by the high velocity projectiles of the other tanks. The why should the Mag's own projectile velocity be kept so low?

    And secondary gunners is something all tanks have access to, that's still no reason for the Mag to have this disadvantage.
  6. Snib

  7. MiZrY

  8. SuperTrooperWaterloo

    u rly dont know why it is like that? just look at the tanks and where the canons are. repeat your screenshots and try to find the lowest point. see? magrider wins because the canon is not on top, its in the mid. best tank to shoot downhill.

    as TR i would still trade the prowler for the magrider. best vehicle ingame and in my eyes still op.
  9. Haterade

    Magriders can go places other MBT's can't, and have a more stable firing platform when on the move. It's asymmetrical balance.
  10. MasterTater

    Got removed already in GU2 and when the Magrider received back a little bit of traction to climb hills, all other tanks received the same ground traction capabilities, except the few inches hovering height.
  11. KlyptoK

    It can be hard to line up shots at those distances while moving, especially on uneven ground.

  12. Winfield

    Ok, as soon as the Vanguard and Prowler get strafe aswell.
  13. Van Dax

    They also removed the magburners ability to get up steep inclines.
  14. KlyptoK

    ohh ouch.

    Wait what are we defining as steep? Like Skydock insanity or like "I can't move forward anymore without starting to slide" steep?
  15. Noppa

    TBH thats what u get for putting main weapon to the front of the MBT, on the other hand there is no recoil then + since it is hovering MBT there is no sway on the weapon when moving, u cant have it all u know :)
  16. Van Dax

    As in they can only go up things a sunderer or vanguard can scale.
  17. GhostAvatar

    I stopped reading at the first sentence because it is obvious that you failed to even read what I wrote. I never said that the mobility advantage had anything to do with the elevation of the main gun, projectile speed yes - elevation no. In fact in my first post I stated that there is no logically reason that it shouldn't be the same and needs to be changed. So either you are looking to pick a argument and look like a forum warrior, or you are a troll. Neither of which I am interested in carrying on a discussion with.
  18. boom-mug

    You should test downward firing angles on a flat surface too.
  19. NDroid

    I incorrectly included the lower elevation which you did comment that it wasn't necessary, but had you bothered to read past the first sentence you would have noticed that my post focused on the projectile speed. Regarding it you wrote :

    After which you admitted that the mobility is negated by the faster projectile speeds of the other tanks:

    As a side note, insulting the people you're having a discussion with isn't helpful. If you don't want to continue- so be it.
  20. Menelek

    Pinkies i have a deal for you, you can have the vanguard elevation if we can have the MAX ZOE, we'll even throw in a useless Roman shield in the deal as bonus.