Magrider inside a biolab

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Omally, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. Omally

    How the hell is that even possible?
  2. Hael

    You balance a magrider on top of a galaxy and airlift it there.

    I'm serious. Youtube has plenty of vids of it.
  3. Jestunhi

    If you can get a tank on top of a gal, the gal can slowly carry it to the landing pad.

  4. Omally

    Well that is very stupid -_-
  5. Dhart

    The Galaxy flipping in the warp gate first started out as folks stacking them on top of each other... if a Galaxy can sit on another... how tough would it be to fit a tank... or two.
  6. isilyan

    Its just good minded ppl, trolling the devs for not allowing the gal to carry tanks:p
    And a gal with a tank on top is lucky if it can do 20kph due to game Mechanics:)
    And keeping the Tank on on top, but the Flash vith a Fury seems to be a good option on top of a Gal to get a good speed:p
  7. Esxraptor

    Link it then bruv... my feeble search failed to find a single one of the complete marvel of player skill


    just tried again

    To the OP

    Was this Magrider in when you arrived or was it delivered mid battle ?
  8. Esxraptor

    May be wrong... but is galaxy flipping now a instant ban?


    it's possible with the fully maxed out magburner. basically works like an infantry jump-pad

  10. Pwease

    "Link it then bruv... my feeble search failed to find a single one of the complete marvel of player skill
    just tried again
    To the OP
    Was this Magrider in when you arrived or was it delivered mid battle ? "

    Link it, amateur vid, dont have any editing stuff, weren't headin bio.
  11. Omally

    I have no idea if it was delivered mid battle or not. I deployed and as soon as I stepped inside the biolab gates i ate a main cannon from a magrider. I dont think it should even be allowed personally biolabs should be strictly infantry inside.
  12. Sarcasmo

    You take all the fun out of creative vehicle expiramentation.
  13. Omally

    No. I deal with tanks enough as it is I don't want them inside a ******* biolab.
  14. NoctD

    Stop being a baby - real soldiers aren't afraid of tanks, just blow them up!
  15. Omally

    A man against 30+ magriders with 20+ scythes in the air. Nope.
  16. Sarcasmo

    Tank mines Tank mines, the most glorious of death contraptions.
  17. NoctD

    Exaggeration much? The biolab would blow up!

    I've wondered if anyone's gotten an ESF into a biolab though.
  18. Skadi

    its not a biolab, but you get the idea.
  19. Omally

    you realize i'm talking about the ones on the ground right? And yes I saw someone with a mos inside a biolab.
  20. siiix

    no its not , its super cool , it takes a lot of skill and time... i find it amazing that you can so stuff like this in a game