MagRider Floats...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NewSith, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. NewSith

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  2. NinjaTurtle

    I think the Mag should float, makes sense and gives a unique feature to it


    SOE Picard has spoken
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  3. Metalsheep

    In PS1 all hover vehicles could float over water. Untill Core Combat, VS exclusively had access to hover vehicles. (The deliverer, the baby brother to the sunderer, could float too.)
  4. NewSith

    The sad reality is - if you look at the wreckage of the mag, it doesn't sink. Meaning that it didn't really float, it just drove over a water texture with ground right below it and blew up to a stupid uber-DoT script layered on top.
  5. Badgerific

    I mean really? o_O I was really Mags floatsie gimmick would finaly come into play with the swampy terrain since other continents don't have any larger bodies or water.

    Where other factions superior fire power and greater amor provide boost over normal terrain, mags mobility should give it a terrain advange where other tanks can't pass. If PS2 was made in a way water surfaces won't even exist then I'm slightly puzzled who designed this ... Maybe it's just a glitch and will be altered in the future?
  6. Phrygen

    i don't think you watched the vid...

    anyway. the mag does not float. All the PTS water is buggy as hell and most of it has no depth at all.
  7. deggy

    The stuff that does have depth (like at that dam) just kills everything that touches its surface.
  8. NinjaTurtle

    I did, I saw it blow.

    I just agree that it should float
  9. LordCreepy

    depends on the total amount of water on hossin.
    If this means the magrider can move around on >50% more terrain than both nc & tr this would totally unbalance any tank fight.
  10. deggy

    It doesn't float right now, it just dies.

    There seems to be very little water on the continent.
  11. Kaon1311

    So water is more lethal than the weapons in this game, what is this, Signs, do we now have M Night Shyamalan working for SOE?
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  12. velleity

    i want a gun that shoots hossin water with a burning tire
    alt fire mode. i would pay sc for this.
  13. Tommyp2006

    technically there isn't any water in the entire game. Water is not a physical object in the game, it's just a floating texture.
  14. LordCreepy

    sounds legit - who had such a bright idea?
  15. Ganelon

    That's because they made the water a solid obstacle which instantly kills you. It used to kill you once you got inside, but some players found a way to get in the water without dying.
  16. FateJH

    Thank you, playerbase.
  17. Ganelon

    Well, it is the test server.
  18. applepienation

    So, water is like the trees of the land?

    Wait, what?