Magic Invisible Galaxy!

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Sylvanicus, Feb 6, 2013.

  1. Sylvanicus

    Reported this in-game too but I thought I'd do it here and see if anyone else had experienced this or knew what caused it or anything. Anyways, let me set the scene for you.

    Full squad, on Amerish, at the warpgate. We're in a hurry. I get our designated gal pilot to pull his galaxy. He does so from the more northern terminal (the one on the left, if you're looking at them from inside the spawn area of the main building).

    Lo and behold... his name now appears under the ground. It has the 1/12 next to it, but he appears to be deep under ground about a kilometer to the south. We ask him, you know, what in the name of all that is nanites is going on.

    "I'm right outside the main building, what are you guys talking about?" he says.

    I ask him to get out of the gal and he does. His character then pops into existence right next to me. I ask him to get back in and he disappears. We all start running around and don't run in to anything, so it's not just invisible, it's not there.

    A friendly lib then sets down about where we are and our pilot start shouting about "oh god he's landing on me oh god I'm being pushed around aaahHHhhHHHHGHGGHH". The lib however doesn't appear to be experiencing any of the usual symptoms of landing on a galaxy and sets down perfectly.

    Eventually we give up and someone else spawns a gal. As far as I can figure our unlucky pilot's client forgot to tell the server "hey, there's a galaxy here."

    Anyone else know the cause or experienced this or is this just a one in a million bug?
  2. MittRackRObama

    We have magical galaxies that aren't really there? Sunderers that are on the map but not there. Magical lightnings that are there but indestructable (enemy vehicles).

    I've seen it all after patch 2 especially a lot more.

    Best part is the south spawn of Xelas Bio Lab on Amerish, you spawn 200M underground and can't commit suicide or redeploy without hitting "/suicide" So many noobs got stuck and were forced to re-log.