[Suggestion] Mag-scatter? Again shotgun?!?!? Stop it, STOP!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KXOPH, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. KXOPH

    Please stop giving NC shotguns. This is not funny, shotguns for MAX, shotguns for planes, tanks for shotguns is the idea sneered. Just for comparison, weapons MAX TR has 60 rounds in the clip + is very high damage from 125 - 143 at a distance of 65m, MAX VS has a clip from the 40 - 75 rounds of ammunition and enough high damage from 143 - 167 at a distance of 65m, MAX NC has clip from 5 - 8 rounds and dropped only at close range from 112 - 130, as well as the accuracy of the worst because it shotguns. It is for this reason max NC simply can not fight back at a distance of 40m +. And now you give TR and VS weapons capable of conducting koroe efektivnost fire at a distance of 8 - 100 meters and clip 18 and 15 rounds, while the NC will get another useless shotgun Effectiveness at a distance of 8 to 18 meters with four bullets in the clip . You must change the direction of NC, shotguns is the most stupid weapon shotgun replace Mag-scatter on the grenade or a normal gun with high damage. Weapons max change to more welcoming to newcomers.

    We want to be on a level with the other factions, but instead we find ourselves at the bottom, because we have almost no nothing distinctive.

    And lastly, if you still doavite a weapon in the game, I'll move on stronou TR because for them you need to try as their weapons individually and really has a different visual design. And most importantly has virtually no recoil!
    • Up x 1

    I will move to Tr
  3. M2_Bradley

    Just give the NC an M1 Carbine as a secondary...The model already looks quite similar...
  4. JKomm

    Personally I like the shotguns, I've always been a close quarters player and have always hated SMGs, shotguns have been my number one choice in a large array of video games. Sadly, they never live up to their real-life counterparts... shotguns would be absolutely devastating if they had real world spread and damage, not to mention the versatility of being able to load them with a multitude of shells for just about any situation.

    You can complain all you want, but if you're in close quarters you can either shoot fast or hit hard in this game... I'd rather hit hard just because its more satisfying to obliterate an enemy with 1-2 shots rather than 8+.
  5. Verviedi

    NC- Shotgun
    TR- Bullet Spammer
    VS- Charge Beam