Loyal soldier bundle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Liquid23, May 3, 2013.

  1. Torok

    you should feel ashamed indeed!

    atleast.. if your main isn't NC :>
    if you're NC just do the **** you want
  2. MangoPunch

    I can't argue with free stuff, but I wish the colours weren't so oversaturated.
  3. Entomorph

    You know.. You might just be on to something my friend.
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  4. TeknoBug

    Hmm I saw no such thing.
  5. DashRendar

    This was well thought out: I logged into my alt first and it prompted me Y or N for loyalty pack :eek: then without choosing either I logged out and logged back into my main and it prompted again and I chose Y. Logged back into alts and no prompt. I thought if I denied or logged after the first prompt that that was my one chance, but that's thankfully not the case.
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  6. Liquid23

    so then ya it's like when you redeem a card with the NS-11a platinum ... it gets stuck to your account and can be claimed on any toon
  7. TheBloodEagle

    I didn't get a boost either. Although I did get a boost from MLG bundle. Make sure you claim that too.

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  8. Rhaeyn

    I wasn't in the Alpha or Beta, but I started playing at the release. Never bought a membership, just 2k SC once when it was 50% off.
  9. Boildown

    Here's what it looks like for NC compared to the Clover camo, which I used because it was the darkest camo NC could get:


    I would say this is darker. Finally some of us have been brought up to the Vanu default?
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  10. TeknoBug

    Hey cool thanks, I see a MLG decal too.
  11. McCainSmaashh

    I didn't get any boosts nor 170 SC. Can we confirm that these two items were supposed to come with it? I got the camo for weapon, vehicles, and armor.
  12. skoorviel

    I just got mine!

    But wait, SOE does something nice for the community? This is most suspicious. But I like it.

  13. ladiesop

    A nice touch, and it's dark too. This is going on my night-ops loadouts.
  14. PoisonedAl

    Got mine. My outfit was trying to figure out the criteria for unlocking it. Most of us have premium accounts and a LOT of play time so we weren't sure what was the trigger.

    Anyway, thanks SOE for the camo and putting up with our constant moaning.
  15. Elron

    You can get 170 SC after creating accounts in 2 SOE games (forgot the names) so I guess its from that. I checked my account and I have camos+title, nothing more.
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  16. PoisonedAl

    Yeah, we might even be able to fight the bloody Vanu now!
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  17. XRIST0

    Yes thanks guys at soe , i really love this camo ! made my night .
  18. Souleater

    Well...it is already May 4th in some countries...perhaps a Star Wars reference?

    Thank you, Uncle SOE, for the gift.

    I'm Cross Faction and all the sets look really nice so this will be a tough choice.
  19. lemonsqueezy72

    Is it to reward those people who have never swapped factions to be on winning side during alerts?
  20. Souleater
