Lower RenderDistance to increase performance.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Luminus, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. Luminus

    Navigate yourself to ProgramFiles(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Planetside 2 or whatever directory you've managed to install the game to and open UserOptions.ini.

    Look for RenderDistance= and set it anywhere from 10000 to 2000. Its probably at some 99999ish number to begin with.
    These are all well beyond the maximum range that infantry and vehicles will appear and will also cut down drastically on CPU stress.

    I don't know how much Sony likes us playing with the INI like this as there are some other toggles in there that are bordering on exploitable, but I don't imagine anyone can argue that reducing the distance they can see is particularly harmful to the game.

    I don't know if this has been brought up in the forums before, but I didn't see it myself.
  2. Cenumis

    Any reason you chose 10000 to 2000 range?
  3. Luminus

    honestly its just the range I was given on the /vg/ PS2 thread on ever so scary 4chan. But someone said anything below 1700 would cut off vehicles.
  4. Cenumis

    My rig is fine at the default 99999.0000 or whatever is but I'll give this 10000 a shot. Cheers!