Lower framerate decreases the chance of hit registration?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by tigerchips, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. daniel696

    It's funny see any discussion always ending in discussion about AMD vs Intel. The problem is not CPU, but engine, put this in your minds.
  2. TeknoBug

    Well... if it isn't AMD vs Intel why does PS2 run like pants on AMD? Intel has a faster instruction per cycle than AMD does so it benefits PS2, AMD just runs more cores which PS2 doesn't care about right now.

    Since the Playstation 4 has an 8 core AMD CPU, SOE should be improving PS2 to work with multithreading instead of hogging 1-2 cores like it is right now.
  3. daniel696

    You don't understand much about what engine is right ? What makes a CPU runs good in a game, is 90% the engine work. Go make a search about what a "engine" does in your CPU.
  4. ironeddie

    Have you even read the other posts from the many AMD users who do get good results in game? I don't care anyway, I get a great frame rate & I can have the game look pretty. Then thanks to the ps4 this game will eventually run even better on my six cores. It's win win.
  5. Stew360

    not sure of thats from whats i have seen the servers capacity seams to be much more around 1000 and all factions are lock out

    I have never seen a pops per regions thats could justified 2000 players , never ever

    2000 players should mean tons of 48 + figths over the maps and i never ever seen thats ever ....

    during the alert on matherson , the biolab was the target and we ad allatum fully load of players but never anywhere bigger than 200 VS players 200 NC and 150 tr and we ad another figth of around or between 100 to 150 players ...

    so at the end it was no where near a 2000 players cap

    iam rpetty sure thts the servers atm and the game tech cannot simply suport this many player so they have reduce the original cap of 2000 to reduce the load but also improove preformance across the board
  6. RHINO_Mk.II

    No, what it means is one great big "48+ v 48+" which is in reality 300 vs 300 (potentially vs 300 more) and the rest scattered around. But servers never hit the pop cap these days anyways, so...