Love the Vehicle Buffs! But....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by axiom537, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. axiom537

    I love the idea of buffing vehicles, but....Where are the vehicle objectives?

    I think the biggest issue is that players in vehicles want to contribute to the fight just as much as Infantry, but as long as EVERY objective in this game revolves around Infantry trying to capture or hold a point inside of a base, they only real contributing function a vehicle has in any fight is to kill Infantry and try to stop them from reaching the Capture Objective.

    Yes, certain vehicles like the AMS- sunderer have alternative functions in fights, and vehicles will go after them as an alternative objective to infantry, but once they are destroyed, the attacking vehicles are left with nothing to do, but kill infantry so they can't get to the capture point.

    Vehicles need objectives that are part of the fight, but outside of the base. They need something to fight each other over.

    - PS1 had Modules that factions could install into their bases, which gave their faction a buff for as long as they had them in their possession. Something along these lines would give the factions something to fight over, that isn't necessarily part of a base capture. Image, going behind enemy lines and grabbing one of the enemies modules, and trying to transport it back to a friendly base.

    - I also think that certain bases that have large tracks of open spaces, could have an objective in the center of this area, that requires vehicles to hold the area. No point to flip, but as one sides puts more vehicles into the area the point starts to transfer ownership and if the defenders want to hold that area they need to get more vehicles into the HEX.

    - I would even like to see a base spawn at random an LLU, which in PS1 required one side to transport back to their friendly base, for a capture. Or instead of destroying a generator, perhaps the attackers must remove a piece from a generator or a capture point and bring it back to their base, so that the nanites will recognize their faction as controlling that point or generator.

    TLDR; Buffing vehicles is great and all, for promoting more vehicle play, but if there isn't an objective other then keeping infantry from reaching the capture point, vehicles will still only function as glorified transportation or as a reinforced weapons platform for killing infantry as it tries to capture the point.
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  2. Reclaimer77

    Can I ask you something?

    Why do you Vehicleside players constantly voice this need that vehicle play needs to be "promoted" or advanced somehow?

    I look on the map, and I see gillions of vehicles of all kinds being used.
    Come in the forums, and you guys act like there's no place for vehicles in the game.

    No offense, but these ideas represent a radical transformation of the game. As a justification for you NEVER having to leave your vehicle and join the fight or help your team.

    Points that need to be held by vehicles? Come on, can you honestly imagine what that would look like? 50+ tanks and Sunderers smashed into one place like some kind of demolition derby LOL! Sorry but no.
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  3. Shockwave44

    He's saying why pull vehicles in the first place?
  4. Reclaimer77

    There must be a reason. I see them everywhere....

    If you don't think there's a point in them, great. Do the rest of us a favor and don't use them.
  5. Jaedrik

    Don't worry--soon™ we'll get ANTs in some form, then vehicles will no longer be for force-multiplying alone. Hopefully.
    Look man, I just want objectives I can do with vehicles besides straight murder. Oh I guess killing sundies is an okay objective.
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  6. Winfield

    As a tanker, I'd want to see less tanks on the field that are more powerful.

    I agree with you though, the way bases get surrounded by tanks these days(And have done since day 1) and shelled to hell is not in the least fun.

    (I drive my Vannie as AP)

    Don't really need points that need to be held by vehicles, destroying enemy tanks and sunderer placements is fun, rewarding and challenging(and actually useful!) enough.
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  7. Shockwave44

    Let me rephrase. What impact do vehicles have on the overall gameplay? They can't break through walls to help capture a base. They can only destroy other vehicles or spawn camp.

    Sorry but I'm just too good at destroying enemy vehicles. It's really the only thing left to do.
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  8. Winfield

    Destroying an attacking enemy's sunderer is crippling to the enemy's attempt of taking an ~equally populated base and tanks are the easiest way of doing it.
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  9. Shockwave44

    There already are not a lot of vehicles being used in game. To have even less than that, there would be one guy in a tank farming span rooms. There needs to be more vehicles because infantry fights bore the hell out of me.
  10. Reclaimer77

    If you don't think vehicles help capture bases...we're playing different games.

    No, you can't sit your MBT right on the control point. I mean, come on. But that doesn't mean you can't contribute!

    And for every guy like you who dedicates himself to hunting vehicles, there's 200 mindless infantry spammers and spawnroom camping heroes. Which is why we hate the idea of them getting buffs.
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  11. Winfield

    I think we're not playing the same game. Kek.

    I can understand the frustration of getting farmed as infantry since I'm on the receiving end alot, but I think of these buffs from my perspective which is Vehicle vs. Vehicle combat. Sure, I snipe infantry with my AP from time to time, but i'd like to think I deserve those kills more than the guy who shoots at a doorway with HE.

    To be fair, I couldn't care less if they just removed HEAT and HE from the game.
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  12. Shockwave44

    It's too easy. Mine the damn thing and in 3 seconds it's turned to scrap metal. After which, the tank or harasser goes back to being pretty useless. They should be able to do missions on their own. One day, I'd like to pull a harasser to do something other than just blowing up vehicles. Perhaps a small generator outpost that powers a nearby enemy base. Being proactive instead of reactive.
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  13. Reclaimer77

    So there needs to be more vehicles because you are bad at playing FPS's? Or bored?
  14. CipherNine

    Well the way I see it if you are slightly outnumbered by attackers your best bet is to spawn tanks, drive to safe sniping position and focus on destroying enemy Sunderers. Then relocate and focus on destroying new incoming replacement Sunderers.

    If you are attacker and defenders decide to dig in as infantry then vehicles are pretty much useless unless you are playing on Indar.
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  15. Shockwave44

    That makes zero sense.
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  16. Jake the Dog

    Just because you're AP doesnt mean you dont murder infantry lol. Alot of people will
    A. Try to get locks on you whilst standing still.
    B. Sit on their engineer turret while its cooling down.
    As someone who constantly runs the awareness perk (and nanite repair/stealth), letting them get the lock and plinking my tank with a lockon often grants me a free kill.
  17. axiom537

    I'm not sure I have ever met a person that can go from one logical fallacy to another so much in one post and reply to most other posts with logical fallacies as well...

    I am not a VehicleSide player. I am a Planetside player, who likes to play as Infantry, ground vehicles and Air vehicles. I like to kill Ground vehicles in Air vehicles or as Infantry, I like to kill Infantry in Ground or Air Vehicles and I like to kill Air vehicles with Infantry or Ground vehicles and I do not really care what kills me or how. It happened because I was out played and out positioned by another player playing as infantry or a vehicle, it doesn't matter because once happens I change my tactics and do what is necessary to defeat that last player that killed me...I do not make excuses or QQ about it and call people names.

    I agree you look at the map and you see vehicles parked around the outside of a base, because they do not have anything else to do. This game is very Infantry centric in terms of actually accomplishing anything, therefore as I was explaining in this post the game needs more objectives that are not infantry centric, things that will draw the fighting outside of the bases more into the open areas. Bases in terms or actually square footage probably only take up 5-10% of the total map, that leaves large areas that go relatively unused, because they are not part of the capture mechanic.

    These are not radical, transformative ideas, these are ideas mostly gleaned from the original Planetside. You cry in every single post that even mentions vehicles, but yet you never offer ideas that would help solve the issue with vehicles. As I said the core issue, is that vehicles for the most part do not have objectives in this game, everything is Infantry based. If you do not like vehicles focusing on Infantry, then we need a mechanism or Objective for vehicles that does not revolve around infantry.
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  18. Crator

    The events in PS1 that the OP mentioned didn't happen all the time. They were somewhat rare. So what distracted vehicles the rest of the time when those events weren't happening? Nothing. Vehicles in PS1, for the most part, were used to fight back a defending force in the base courtyard. After that, most of the time, everyone got out of their vehicles and proceeded to try and enter the base to capture it. Of course you still had some that stuck it out in their vehicles to defend the courtyard from getting attacked from an adjacent base that the enemy owned. They did make PS2 have more open bases (which many dislike) so that vehicles could have more of a role in the capture of a base.

    Not sure I'm too fond of the idea of giving vehicles a capture mechanic. Also, there's a contradiction to what you said here. In the same sentence you say "No point to flip" but then say "the point starts to transfer ownership"... /confused
  19. LtSqueak

    The problem is, we will never see this because the only way to balance it would be to go back to the old PS1 cert system where you couldn't pull everything all the time.
    And PS2 is way too vested in having every vehicle open to every player at a moments notice that they will never change it now.

    But I agree. I wish there were less, but much stronger vehicles.
  20. axiom537

    Why would it be a problem if vehicles had an objective they would need to capture and hold? It's not an issue for infantry... Sorry for the confusion about "no point to flip". What I had in mind was basically an Area, that vehicles would need to control and dominate, sort of like the old Influence capture mechanic. So there isn't really an Actually Point, but its more of an Area that the vehicles would need to control.

    I Also think it would be cool if one or two bases had floating objectives, that only Aircraft could reach. Imagine a hovering pad, that allows a Galaxy to dock with it and once the Galaxy docks, the attackers must keep that Galaxy alive and Docked for that objective to flip.

    Again the general idea of this post is to think of ways in which we can expand the battlefield and rather then have vehicles sit idol outside of bases or just killing infantry, give them objectives that will be as meaningful as sitting Infantry on the capture point and hold it until the base flips.
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