[Lore] Are we an army of Clone ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Aldrikos, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. Nyscha

    Personally I think the TR aren't the evil ones, I think its the Vanu.
    If you've ever played as one you'd see it.
    Pretty sure when capturing a place before an announcer said "Kill all who are not the Vanu!"
    That sounds a bit evil to me.
  2. Kameho

    while the TR: "Hey Frosty, This is what we call Tactical Superiority!"
  3. Ohayashi

    When contact is reestablished with Earth and the system's recurring wormhole is stabilized with the assistance of Vanu technologies, those loyal to our origins will be greatly rewarded. Traitorous secessionists, on the other hand, will most assuredly get theirs...
  4. PieBringer

    First off: We don't use lasers. We use SUPERHEATED PLASMA! Seriously, get it right.

    And "Wizards", as you put it- atleast the ones that rightfully call themselves so- do not see themselves as "better than" anyone else. They fill a role of their own, and so do others. It is the same thing with us, simply being more advanced does not make us any "better than" those who chose to use less of their cognitive capacity.

    And you can take your "warrior" class, and STOP RUNNING FROM MY HEALS! When those in a group effectively rely on one another, and work as a team, watching eachothers' backs, as opposed to running around as a bunch of different free radicals, success is far more likely. As any team-player in PS2, you are ALWAYS required to keep enemies off your teammates. Light Assault, you should be getting to higher elevations and scouting to see if it's safe, and if not, attempt to MAKE IT safe, or at the very least see where the enemy is, and help determine where to flank to. Engineer, you provide ammo to your teammates when they are getting low, as well as repair any damaged vehicles, base assets, or MAX units that will help out. Combat Medic, it is your job to keep your teammates alive. If you see an injured teammate, and he's either unable to move from his position, or needs to hold his ground, you help him out. This goes double if he spots an enemy and damages him before being brought down, it's your job to take down that enemy, and help your teammate back up. Heavy Assault, kind of straightforward... You soak up a bit more damage than others, you open fire for a bit longer before reloading, and you have anti-vehicle weaponry. (Which is also effective when applied to an enemy's face.) MAX unit? Don't run out into the open thinking you're invincible. Stay with your Engineer, make sure you have ammo, and watch your teammates' backs. Without a medic, a team that is constantly taking damage will not survive for long. Without an engineer, a team that is spending a lot of ammo will not go for long before having to find an equipment terminal. Without proper coordination, teamplay, or both, you will not survive long.

    There are two reasons why I didn't mention the Infiltrator in the above views. The first being that I simply forgot. And the second being that as it currently stands Infiltrators don't really have a unique role. The "Infiltrator" is just a sniper with cloaking. The "hacking" mechanic is as absolutely simple as it can get, and really the ONLY thing it does is allow your team to access a console that the Infiltrator has "taken control" of. And no, the "Spec Ops Tool" is not really an Infiltrator tool at all, it's a scouting tool. It's basically a way to tell more aware enemies "Hey, we are watching you from this point." An "Infiltrator" is one who SNEAKS behind enemy lines, and sabotages their stuff. Not stand on a hill trying to "snipe". Sabotage implies you're messing stuff up, and the owner not noticing until they need to use it.

    Edit: Don't forget that we were originally WITH the Terran Republic. We were vexed by the fact that our work was being used for nothing more than waging war against mercenaries, and maintaining control. The only reason we fight, is because the "Republic" is angry that we, their R&D team on Vanu tech, left to ATTEMPT to continue our work without constant harassment over a deadline, or if something malfunctioned and yelled at to get it fixed. Treason would imply that we left to sell our wares to a competitor. We left in an attempt to better ourselves, and in turn, anyone who desired to come with. In other words, get on the bus, or stay in the town you already know. We aren't forcing you to take the trip with us, that's your choice.
  5. Dam187

    There are no heroes in this game. The Vanu are basically Scientists who follow a scientist who hears a voice from Aliens who use to live on the planet.
    The NC are greedy business men/mercenaries who want the freedom to rip off everyone.
    The Terran Republic are basically the grunts who were ordered to protect the scientist who heard the voice until those in the NC started trouble.

    The War is essentially NC's fault. The current members fought each other over something stupid forcing the grunts (TR) to take control. The Vanu didn't like the idea of a military rule and left. NC got greedy about resources and decide to fight the Terran republic and soon NC vs TR. The VS got caught up in the war and the scientist who heard the voice was like WE must rule the people to bring good to the people. So now its TR vs NC vs VS.

    So all are villians. Now I think the arch villian faction will be the VS (Vanu) even though right now they are more like Heroes. I think in the lore concerning the future it will turn out those Aliens that use to live on this planet are till alive, but something happened to abandon it. They communicate to the VANU to prepare all of us for their return. Basically the Aliens want to Rule us using the VANU as their enforcers. So I'm pretty sure SOE & Devs have a plan to implement a similar storyline. What impacts on the gameplay this implies I really have no clue, but I'm sure the VANU will be the huge Villian. NC will stay the Greedy Business. Terran will be still Power Hungry.
  6. PieBringer

    We really are just a bunch of scientists, and we don't want a bunch of grunts telling us what to do. Now, I don't know about "ruling the human race", but we would like to help out anyone that wants to come with on the path to furthering human evolution. That line "evolve or perish", it's not really our motto, it's just something the devs put in there as a taunt. To be quite honest, instead of "evolve or perish", I'd much rather be saying something along the lines of "Do not give up, else you will not improve." Or something else that is positive encouragement to improve, rather than "Join us or die."

    Seriously, the "Join us, or die" types of lines just don't fit the Vanu Sovereignty, if you ask me.
  7. Panifrazzle

    Vanu is not amused.