Looking for Causal Medium sized outfit

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by Choggo, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. Choggo

    Veteran player here BR 42 and I've been playing since Alpha, as posted in the title I am looking for a more causal friendly outfit, I'm in my 30's married with Children so I only get to play a few nights a week during the late evening. The time I do have to play I want to have fun, playing what I enjoy with my friends, I don't care to be in the larger outfits that just line you up in rows and orders you to play what they want or need.

    I work well in groups, which is why I'm looking to join an outfit, and my specialty is Flying a Liberator and playing an Engineer.

    The best way to contact me is through email, choggomac@Gmail.com, as I only check the forums every few days, and I practically ignore in game chat.